UFC 116

Nobody is saying that Brock is the best and most technically sophisticated fighter in MMA… that would be Kimbo. But what we are saying is that he is a fucking beast. For whatever reason these guys think he will handle Carwin… I think it will be a great fight regardless of who wins.

They both royally fucked up Mir.

I hate when uneducated people try to talk about this sport
Fabricio Werdum is a no-name? Maybe you should actually research the guy before you make such a blatantly incorrect statement.

Werdum has beaten some of the top heavyweights of their time

Werdum was and is a grappling beast. It’s about time a “name” fought Fedor, instead of some washed up UFC drop out.

ok I will admit that no name was a overstatement, but I guess my point was why continue to fight in the “tier 2” promotion.
The last I remember seeing was him beating Vera and then losing in the UFC?
But I wouldn’t consider myself uneducated.

can someone post a free live feed for the fight?


streaming links…

im watching the veetle one… has the best quality

I guess Lesnars ground fighting study up has paid off

I didn’t catch the fight but heard Brock took a beating in the first but won it in the second. I guess people will stop saying he has never taken a punch.

Corwin made him his bitch in the first round to put it nicely … Any normal man would have been a bloody meat bag after that beating.

He’s a pretty good wrestler, but that’s about it. His athleticism is what sets him apart on the ground, which is why I can almost guarantee he’ll be a one trick pony for most of his career, all his wins will be on the ground. Most of them tko, with a few submissions forced in by his strength like the one against Carwin. You can say he’s a good puncher, but the only good punches I’ve seen him land were when laying on top of someone. He has giant hands and brute strength which makes his punches hurt, and his opponents are unable to move because they have a whale on top of them, which makes it pretty easy to land said punches.

Boxing is very technical, and in his entire mma career I’ve seen him land one solid punch, against Heath Herring at UFC 87. And Herring was basically sticking his head out with his hands at his waist asking for it. As far as legitimate technical talent, I’d say Lesnar is mediocre at best in standup, a little above average in his ground game, and blowing the rest of the heavyweights out of the water in athleticism. That is why I don’t like him. He isn’t even close to being a well rounded fighter, and once someone comes along who is rounded, and can come close to competing with him in strength I think he’s done for. I had really hoped Carwin would pull it off, and he did really well in the first. He just didn’t pace himself, which is why I’m looking forward to seeing the next time they fight. If Carwin can train for five rounds and pace himself I see it being no competition.

The problem with it is that Fedor’s managers have Fedor in something called M1 and in trying to make a deal with the UFC, Fedor’s managers have decided that they need to be cross-promoting M1 in the UFC. What this means is that every little advertisement for an event with Fedor in it must include M1 in the advertisement… this goes for commercials, posters, press conferences, and the fight itself.

Simply put, Dana could give a fuck less about making some other promotion some money, and rightfully so. No other fighter gets a deal like this so regardless if Fedor is considered the Last Emperor, Dana can make just as much money without him.

Brock took a beating, I’m happy he smartened up and decided to not Stand up with carwin. I was almost yelling take him down, I was hopeing he was gonna ground and pound but I was very surprised that he submitted carwin.

Couldn’t believe they didn’t call it in the first round… the only reason they didn’t, they give the defending champ the benefit of the doubt. Had Brock been on top pounding Carwin in the face, the fight would have been a 1st rd TKO.

This is certainly the first time Brock has been punched like that, and he looked like a little boy in a man’s body. He surprised the shit out of me when he came back in the 2nd like that. Great fight.

As far as Fedor goes… eh. As far as Werdum selling PPVs as a headliner on a card… HAHAHAHAH. Good luck with that. Next time you’re at a bar watching the fight, ask around and see who has ever heard his name. I think you’ll be painfully surprised at how many people who watch UFC have no knowledge of anything pre 2007 in UFC… and don’t know anything about other MMA organizations. Fedor made over $400,000 for his last fight… which he lost. Think he gives a fuck about the UFC? That is as much as Dana (the UFC) paid Rampage AND Evans in their fight.

Lesnar got 400K for his last fight… corwin got 40k… LOL

Lesnar = Champion… with a win… and a huge ticket name, totally worth the $.5M he probably made on the fight. Fedor is not a name to the “mainstream” fans. Lets get real here guys… this MMA shit is huge, now. Not like 10 years ago. Frank Shamrock was getting BOO’d at his retirement… Kimbo Slice made it on network television before any UFC champion, ever?