Black BMW vs. Deer: Part III

So after all the Black BMW vs. Deer threads I was feeling a little left out and wanted to join the fun.

Aaaand last night Bambi’s mom and I got it on and here are the results:

Chunk of venison hanging from exhaust:

Best part:

^^ That’s the back of the car, covered in blood specks and hair.

One guy happened to be pulled over on the side of i87 and saw the whole thing unfold. 5 cars hit this dear one right after each other. He said it was like a game of pinball. I was car number 3 and got the worst of it. In his description, it was like someone put a grenade inside a pinata (this guy’s descriptions were priceless).

Everyone likes carnage pics so I thought I’d throw em up. Bambislayer is now sitting at Keeler waiting for an estimate that will surely be north of $7000. State Farm to the rescue…

Sorry to hear about the carnage, sir- but that quote has to make you feel a little better…

Much better. My dad always taught me not to do things halfassed, so when I kill deer, I really, really kill deer. ;D


Don’t lie, you went out looking for one!

How fast were you going? Shoulda sped up to 140, and you would have just lost a kidnety grill :tong

:wow That sucks man, and the fact that the deer’s insides are on your undercarriage

Fuckin deer, need to watch where they’re going :headbang

$7k? looks to me like all you need is a new bumper cover, radiator, possibly condensor/ clutch/ aux fan… maybe i’m missing something though…

that does suck though. :angry2

Im surprised the hood isnt broken and the headlights are fine

Looks like you pureed that son’ bitch

That was the number thrown around by a body shop friend knowing what Keeler charges for non-maintenance item parts. My original guess was closer to 4 including labor, so who knows. We need a ‘guess my estimate’ poll!

when do you expect to get the actual estimate from keeler?

Mr. Vovchandr split up the estimate guesses to a different thread.

Matt- Tomorrow or Friday at the latest was the implication I got. I’ll be sure to let you know.