Black Chrome

like the title says i need someone who can make and or get my grill in black chrome. i’m willing to pay for this. its on my 04 jeep. i want the front grille chromed with that black to it. anyone??

AMF Coatings will coat it, maybe? do you want to take it off and take it somewhere or are you asking for someone to do all of the work?

If it’s metal the best bet is here:

th only way to get black chrome is to send it to a special chrome shop…

if you get it powder coated it will look charcoal

i can second this. AMF did a great job on my wheels that are black chrome, but the result i’m guessing is not what you would be looking for (and wasn’t what i was expecting either).

a chrome shop would be your best bet.

Hey Sean. Hehe. I’d say either AMF or give a chrome specialty shop a try.


i was planing on buying a billet or chrome insert or having a chrome one custom made. but i wanted the finish to be black chrome.

i want the midle grille to be done in black chrome

It looks like it is already?