chrome shops

does anyone know a place that does chroming cheap and good?

we have chrome shop in el rama, pa. what do you need done. i can get you a quote.

i was thinking my wheels, my upper triple clamp, my swing arm and my pegs

Not sure what exactly you want, but I know that we get chrome plating from Keystone Rustproofing, and we pay only a $45 minimum charge depending on how many pieces we have. I can get you their number if you want.


thats what he wants

There is a place in town where I work. I drive past every day. It’s a custom body shop that I see alot of rice at. I know they do chrome and gold plating. If you want their number I will get it next time I go by.

do they do black chrome? if so get me a qutoe on 18x9 wheels

no such thing as cheap and good chrome plating. and it won’t be timely either. there is a place up route 8 that is one of the best in the country.

yeah cutty is right. we do it the right way. the piece that needs to get cromed, gets cleaned, stripped, dipped in acid, nickel, then chrome. it takes a long time. and its not cheap.

its also not cheap because of the enviromental regulations that those places have to deal with. all those chemicals and stuff make the EPA people cringe.

i dont like going in the chrome shop. the sulfuric acid smells so bad you can taste it. when you somke a cigarette there, the cig taste all fucked up. the guys that work there gotta be on somting just to make it one day.

i’ll be at the shop on saturday. I’ll ask them if they can do black chrome.

what is black chrome? I’m not familiar with it. Any pics? it sounds cool.


here’s a black crome plated RX8 wheel.

ohhhhh I like that. Can alloy rims be chrome plated?

i think they can be chrome plated, cause those rx8 wheels are aluminum. I’m not sure though. It might be a different process.

tits-i want my 18’ ssr’s black chromed

If you could get me a quote on chroming Four 16x8 Xtreme wheels, I would supremely appreciate it! :smiley: