Black Friday

Never done this before but this year I will line up with all the other idiots for some smoking deals… check them out here:

I love shopping on Black Friday. I usually don’t start until 8am or so, but its great when you get to Best Buy and the place is destroyed; while tired, fat, sweaty house wives in their stretch pants are clamoring on their cell phones through their 4 teeth about how they got such a great deal on a Mintek DVD player. T - up!

The people waiting in line are the funniest. Fucking Chauncers.

however, i did notice that compusa has an ATI x800xl card for 200 bucks… i just bought a gigabye 7800GT for 330… :-\

My favorite day of the year. I’ve gotten some hot deals the past few years. Think this year, I’m getting the 42" tv I want.

Also check out:

I’ll usually sit at my boring relatives house after dinner on Thanksgiving, pull out the paper and get on the internet, and start finding the stuff I want to buy.

BTW, there are NEVER and good deals at Best Buy and CompUSA on Black Friday. And if there are, price match at Circuit City or Sears or OfficeMax.


i never make it out to these things early. food coma from the night before is just too overwhelming. HOWEVER i do like going to the mall afterwards just to see all the hysteria.

hopefully onyx will lower the price of his tv on black friday so i can get it for a steal :wink:

nVidia > ATI anyway

i will be at best buy at midnight… im one of those groupies… i have been doing to for at least 3 years now

I’ll be working.

I hate BF weekend simply for the disgusting level of “consumerism”…

…but Holy Shit, I ventured out on BF once, 4 years ago, with my older sister & my mother… I don’t know that I could ever do that shit again.

Out of the house @ 5am (with a wicked hangover)… I thought all the stories that I’d heard were exaggerated; wives tales… damn was I wrong.

We found some great deals and accomplished ~70% of my holiday shopping needs though.

I’m checking out the sites that You all have linked, if there are some great deals on something other then frivilous shit, I might step-up and head out with the fiance :tup:

i hate black friday because i’m always one of the lucky ones working the 16 hr day dealing with all the idiots…

Do it up man. The wife and I have been doing it for about 4 years. Its nice to get the Christmas shopping almost entirely out of the way in one day.

dude I was in and out of best buy with 2k worth of stuff in 3 min last year…

black op’s planning and you need at least 3 people.

I just want to get there early for the door opening…I like the riot…I want to trample some old women this year at walmart

“outta my way bitch…those plastic spinners are mine!!!”


k… so I have shopping I have to accomplish w/o the lady…

any guys wanna go with me?

When you going?

i believe in Internet shopping…sit at home order…watch tv and wait for boxes to arrive…open the box to make sure its the right ish…then…wrap that box if the reciever is lucky enough to get wrapping paper out of me…what can i say i am Cheap

Jack we should go shopping for the wives together

ill be working at comp X(

^^^ I :heart: 'net shopping. Just had two ‘gifts’ arrive for the fiance this week.

Cheap, easy, alot more efficient then roaming around like cattle while trying to avoid perfume snipers & screaming children that should be slapped / bathed.

Mmm… cheap computer parts

I’m not sure what black friday is, I thought it was another MLK day…