Black Friday

Anyway jack if you seriously don’t know its the day after thanksgiving. The biggest retail day of the year to kick off the holiday buying season. Most retail places have a ton of deals that day.

there are usually alot of internet sales as well…not as good as the stores…but the price of gas and valuable TV time makes up for it

Bah, I like to get out and rub elbows with the “common people” once in a while.


yeah, I knew the day after was the biggest shopping day ever… but I didn’t know it was called Black Friday.

Shit… redic sales… and a million people…

I’m thinking about walking around intersections with a bucket and collecting some money

the Galleria Mall on a saturday with Canadian tour buses is enough for me(last weekend)…just imagine like 5 times as many…but ill be a dumb idiot and get dragged out anyway cause the wifey will want to…and ill say yes cause i am a big pussy

It’s such a joke except for the 4 or 5 people that are the first ones in the door and actually get the good deals. Everyone else is just retarded masses. I’d rather sleep in, relax, and order it online for $200 more later in the afternoon, fuck that madness.

This is the first BF in 5 years that I haven’t been working retail!!! BOOYA!!!

I still might venture out just to watch to mayhem ensue! :smiley:

:word: Can’t wait for that one.

see, IMO, it’s worth it to go out for few reasons other then that $200 savings / item… considering that You are buying anywhere from 5-15 items.

The year I went, we tallied up the reciepts from all the places - 3 of us spent a total of ~1400, our total before discounts / sales was ~3900.


i dont even think im gonna leave my house on black friday, F that sh1t

Man, there are some smoking deals on that website though

too bad im

A) poor
B) never gonna get there in time

Oh right the Canadian element. I actually avoid that whole thing on Black Friday. My fiance and I stay the night at her parents house in Batavia after Thanksgiving dinner. Then in the morning we head out to Henrietta and the Market Place mall. Few if any Canadians there. Thank God!

the best is every year watching the best buy bouncers stop the rush comming from the parking lot



that would be worth the trip alone…

:wave: i have off

Hmmm, a nice 46" DLP hdtv for $1499… Thinking… :slight_smile:

ahhh crap. I don’t have off… yet… should i?

If You are doing black friday? YES

ill go with you. i can’t imagine what kind of shit would go down…

team black friday chaos:
maybe sureshot? he’s kind of an asshole. :stuck_out_tongue:

I used to dread working at CompUSA on Black Friday. Busy as hell.

I usually head out the door around 6am, hit about 5 stores and am done shopping before 9-10am.

Sears usually has some nice tool deals. Radio Shack some decent stuff. Then hit or miss between Circuit City and Best Buy. Circuit City usually has great prices on DVDs for 4 hours.