Black Friday

I love working that day. I go with the one driver that delievers to the galleria mall (i work at fedex). You get people trying to look in the boxes before we even deliver them and they follow us around like starving dogs.

holy shit… I don’t even want to think about how badly you would be raped when we get arrested.


:word: thats exactly what i do


I havent had any in a while :bloated:

I was gonna edit it and say “raped by knick” but he already quoted it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Would be a good time though… I dunno if I can get the day off… looks like a lot of poeple already have. Unless there is serious intrest.

nah, I’m not taking off for it… maybe if the wife insists.

i have mixed feelings about it. i’ve never shopped one, but i’ve always worked them. it’s fun in the fact that there are no rules. pretty much anything goes. but it’s also ridiculously busy. i remeber driving past wal-mart, at 4:30 am, hung over as hell on my way to work. there were hundreds of people lined up out of walmart wrapping all the way around the building. traffic was nuts on southwestern/southpark. i remember i was so tired and hung over, i fell asleep at the light on southwestern about to turn left onto south park. i backed up traffic so bad everyone was beeping. i get to work and there’s 50 people trying to get in the door with me. it was crazy until about 4 pm.

the next year i worked the mckinley mall for black friday. it was nuts. i have never in my life seen such craziness. i went to open the gate to my store and it was about 2 feet up (still on the way) and some asshole climbed underneath the gate. he couldn’t wait 10 more seconds.



So sad, and so true.

poor choices on words. i meant crawled. like commando style right underneath it. all for a stupid ass 5 dollar m&m radio.

lol, i wasnt :bloated: @ the typo, I knew what You meant :slight_smile:

I was :bloated: @ the moron.

I’d almost consider rocking this… Debating it still but I do need a new video card.

i know. i just wanted to clarify. my christmas wish this year is to be out of retail in time for hot friday. unless my interview at the apple store goes well. then i will deal with it to make a decent living. hopefull i’ll be in car sales though and i don’t have to deal with this shit.

i suprised they call it black friday…the afro american groups would normally have a shit fit lol…j/k I went out on it once a few years ago…omfg. its like sombody relieced a massive herd of angry minivans.

I guarentee newegg will run specials that will OWN CompUSA’s for that day.Not to mention paying for sales tax.X800XL’s are already $205,who would want one of them when you can get the X800GTO and bios flash it to a X800XT for $179 and for the Nvidia crowd,the plain 6800’s flash to GT’s.

I went out last year and didnt find anything,I hit up wal-mart,bestbuy and CompUSA.The cheap stuff still wasnt as cheap as online ;).

years of retail experience has me saying hot friday without thinking about it.

lol…i was mearly making fun of political correctness…its quite rediculous if you really think about it, black people cant be black, their “arican american”, i was yelled at because i was complaining about not being able to understand my “Chinese” math teacher…i was yelled at an told to say “Asian american” even though she is chinese, but it doesnt matter, shes not chinese politicly speaking…shes “Asian” even though she came to the USA from china to teach…oh well, some peopl are just stupid.

back on topic…anywhere selling a chiep futon?

i will be out for this. if you guys get some shiz organized post it up we could smash and fight our way to the best deals :tup:


how i dread balck friday i gotta work 6am to 8 pm