See ya later Circuit City

(Un?)fortunately, none of the locations around us are liquidating…yet.

Maybe waiting for Nov 28

they arent closing any stores here.

Not good, particularly for those who actually make major purchases at these stores.
When you take away one of the members of a duopoly, the other one jacks their prices.

well guess i need to take my 6x9’s back to get brand new ones with the warranty still on them

It was only a matter of time stores close… Online buying is just soo much more convenient.

I do like the buy online, pick up in store 20 minutes later deal though. When their prices were actually competitive.

But still. Now Best Buy has all the leverage. Kinda sucks for the consumer. But ya, hopefully if the local store ends up shutting down we can get some really good deals from there.

Black Friday is going to be redic this year either way. Between the logjam of consumer electronics in the pipeline that no one is buying cause of the economy, and the dollar’s strength vs. asian currencies where all the shit is made, it should be one of the best we’ve seen.

Oh man. Its like the CompUSA liquidation sale all over again.

Meanwhile, isn’t Best Buy still holding it down?

I don’t see the CC at the McKinley lasting too much longer since they put a BB IN the mall, and not across the parking lot like CC is. Way more convenient, and people tend to like BB more anyhow.


I still think black friday is critical to consumer sales even if it’s a poor year overall. it’s not like Christmas is canceled this year.

and circuit city has failed to adapt where best buy has so I think their collapse is due to poor management. there is still plenty of demand because people want to touch a $500+ purchase before they buy in a lot of cases.

On Wednesday, I went to a CC store closing in Phoenix. Right now almost everything is only 10% off ORIGINAL Price. Some A/V accessories are 15% and CD/DVD’s are 20%.

Store was pretty busy, but I think it was mostly browsing until they start really marking things down.


Maybe I can make some money on the dead cat bounce and then spend it there on black Friday.

I wonder how many extended warranties they will sell still, haha.


time to buy bestbuy stock or walmart… maybe lookin into it and watchin

I bought one thing from bestbuy/circuitcity in the past 3 years. A hard drive that they had on sale.

Its such an insane ripoff on most items its unreal, and if you go in there with one of their deal items from the ad, they are conveniently sold out of it.

Newegg ships most items for free, and doesn’t charge me nys tax (use tax my ass)…