Black Ops: Zombie Thread


By shift members? 34 I believe.

By hacked consoles? 99. Legit i think in the 50s.

Who on here has the highest solo?

lets doooooo it

hahah YEA RIGHT if i didnt have the upgraded ballistic knife we would have been fucked from like round 15 :lol

i got to 30 by myself, only because i got lucky and got the box in the first door i opened and got an hk21 first try

WTF is the upgraded ballistic knife?

Think of it as a gun, that can revive from a distance by shooting you.

It’s great.

The strategy to pack a punch later works well.

Any solid walkthroughs available online in this matter?

One or two more tips and tricks improvements and we got this.

I’ve watched a lot of youtube vids. Pretty much similar to what we did.

Really need peeps to have the Ray gun by level 25 or so.

have you guys tried five? there was a video(s) of two guys going to level like 39. You get two different gun there also the death machine and the snow gun

Not yet, I cannot WAIT for the new zombie maps to come out with the DLC.

yeh feb 1st!

Got to level 53 on solo… My other friend got to 38 on solo also

You people are insane. level 53 solo. World goes to shit, I’m hauling all you asses up to my place and handing each one of you a gun and a box of ammo.

What tactics are you guys using to get so high up besides being fucking superman?!?!?

Just blend in.

The beauty of solo is you can pause it took me a couple sittings to get that far lol

Me and Vlad go beast mode Adam. Duh

My teabag buddy got to 49 by himself…its hairy as fuck by that point…only reason he died is he couldn’t get to the quick revive machine fast enough without getting swarmed.

39 alone and 35 with 4 people. ps3 guys ?

school me on some tips/ tricks because I’m tired of being owned

what board do you prefer? I even have the levels from COD: WAW on here now too.

Depends on what you play… Solo or Online… On solo when it gets past like lvl 25 dont even bother getting the power ups you will get downed… Dont pack a punch your guns unless you absolutely have to (because of no ammo)… Don’t get “attached” to a gun lmao, I hit the box between every round and get two new guns regardless of what they are and just waste the ammo into em to get points for the traps HK is the best gun for this. Oh and run the map in a circle and don’t stand in one spot for more then like 5 seconds, or there gunna spawn in front of your path. Doing this got me to 53 could be different for other people.

Oh and if you get downed before level 25 dont even bother becuase your going to need the 3 revives after level 30 haha

Kino Der Toten, I hate 5ive.

Side note: Any one see the new zombie map? It looks pretty crazy.