Black Ops: Zombie Thread

Back to the top…got first strike and have been playing the new map. Its nuts and awesome at the same time. Add me, NickAlero69 if you want to play!

New map is good, highest I’ve gotten to is 12 so far. Havn’t played much. It’s definitely different then Kino.

you on now?

Negative work till 5 M-F

I made it up to 16 and then the monkeys stole all 3 of my perks (flopper, juggernog, quick revive). Then they came and killed me.

I don’t see how you can get anymore than one perk solo. You can’t defend more than one machine by yourself. Unless it’s different when playing solo?

new map is dopeeeee and hugeeee… i got to like 6 or something then had to leave, but its definitely a fun map…

Problem is there really is nowhere to circle. Really need to camp out and play smart. Playing with morons will get you killed quick. (i.e C0rey)

says the guy who died with the ray gun TWICE

heard your super wack at zombies corEy

I died try to revive you with the Ray Gun ONCE. Your dumb ass dies with the THUNDER GUN @ level 8.

for sure, when i was checking it out i was running around and got like trapped, but i did see a few rooms to like camp out and just sit and murder niggums

They all got like 3 entrances for Zombies to creep though. Need some srs firepower.

i know and they were fucking jumping down from everywhere and coming outta random ass places. it was intense lol

It was like the first of the month holla

kill the monkeys before they touch the machines and you get parks from them…i managed to do this twice. the only thing i paid for was juggernog. hang out near the machines you have perks on and throw grenades at the ones you cant cover. I’m pretty sure you can buy C4 somewhere, i just dk where.

i know you can buy claymores near the ak74u. like take a left after you open up the door that seals you inside.

my room mate uses claymores to stop the monkeys, i just throw grenades and pray :lol

Gonna need more than 1 C4 and Claymores to stop Monkeys. :rofl

he does staged claymores, spaces them out in front of the juggernog machine so they 1)kill 1 monkey at a time and 2) dont blow each other up :lol

you can also put them in front of the stairwells…plant enough claymores and the juggernog defends itself!