Black Ops: Zombie Thread


Ive been trying to look for a loop myself but no luck. Ive heard through the grapevine that coRey likes to rage out on black ops.Though ive never managed to witness the midget madness firsthand.

He plays fairly calm with P Walker.

LEVEL 27 BITCHES! suck ittttttttttttttttt

Only played the new map once, mother fuck those monkeys suck!!

Hold on, I’m leaving work so I can beat C0reyz score.

you playing with yourself?

Me and my roomy want 2 more people to play with at some point this weekend, who’s up for some ascension? Curious how far 4 can go on this level.

i can play ascension whenever, hit me up PM if you want my number to play nickfailero

Playing right now, anyone want to join? New mapz. gt: therealjonnyd

We can haz zombiez battlez…last night was pretty good, i think trying to pack a punch when we did was bad but I was completely out of ammo and needed it BAD

same with me, i had like 13 bullets left and i was not getting anywherez. lets get something going tonight.

Def down.

Oh and CorEy i got your record…27 waves solo last night. Held out with the pack a punched galil and commando from wave 14 onward. Sad to say monkeys finished me though.

Roomy just pulled a level 40 run…didn’t packapunch his ray gun until wave 33, but had the thundergun from wave 10 or so. Almost 3 hours :wtf

got to 17 with nickalerobrahhh and corEy today and nickeleros dirty mexican roomate, we woulda got wayyy farther if those two retarts from troy didnt kill the crawlers and fuck themesleves in the pooper!

or have shitty host, playing with a red dot connection ftl