black VW bettle with stickers on it in schenectady

who is it? its a girl has black wheels too. anyone?

she was blocking the intersection yesterday in schenectady where albany street meets rt7. i was in a blue 08 wrx. it was funny because i was looking at her, she looked back then i saw her stickers.


Jeremy’s (stockcarboy) wife Joanna.

she hot?

where is she, get her ass on here. haha.

ha ha ha no shes not on here .she is to busy to sit on a comp

there it is!!!

haha ask her about the situation where she made us wait a whole light after we got the green because she was in front of us. it was funny because i was just stareing at her thinking y? did she have to go?


Yes, yes I did. Anyway, there was someone behind me, so even if I hadn’t went they would have and you still woulda been stuck. :nana It was funny watching you (I think it was you) freak out about it though!
(The Traffic Stopping Wife of One Bad Bug)

youre an accident waiting to happen… like an old asian lady.

how can the person behind you block him if you didn’t go? Wouldn’t you not going prevent the person BEHIND you from going as well? :lol

from what she said the light was green everone was going then they had to stop because backed up traffic then the light went red and her and a couple people were still across the lane so they were blocking the traffic crossing when there light went green. :nuts i hate when people block me so i know how u feel but what can i say woman drivers .lol j/k she will kick my ass when she sees this.

I want to know why she had shift stickers and I DON’T! :motherland

women… your stickers are in my truck

along with some beer :ninja

Cough roofies cough

I think DJ’s comment was also directed at you

Dude, what I meant was if I hadn’t been there at all, and there were people to my left in the other lane backed up too. And like any of you can talk, especially my own husband. Trust me, I’ve seen ya’ll drive and it’s some scary “accident waiting to happen” sh!t. And Jeremy was wrong, he’s not getting his butt kicked, he’s just not getting laid for…hm… Well I haven’t decided how long yet.

LOL oooooooooooooooooohhhh shit jeremy ! U talk like that and now u see what happenss LOL

hey i thought it was funny. i wasnt pissed but i will tell u we were there for 2 durations of lights, which sucked. i was just trying to get my lift on.

then i saw the 518 sticker and i realized, o this could be fun.

so far this thread made ur o so loving hubby piss u off to the extent where his pee pee isnt getting touched for x-amount of time.

this thread = win, except for said hubby -10. in that case, my bad dude but u kinda did it to urself -14 , but supporting my thoughts +30, so win for u too by a margin of +2!!!

this can all be forgivin with some pics of said bad bettle driver (the wife) washing the bettles in a tiny bikini!

amature driver move -36, thread +2, thread after pics of said womenz in bikini +58 = +24

dont let us down. ;D

:haha me not get laid :crackup

Oh God, all we need is another points system. ::slight_smile: