Anyone know if there’s any place in Edmonton to buy unlocked Blackberries?
Did you buy it off ebay? Is it GSM? If it is GSM there are only to GSM companies in Canada (rogers,Fido)
I haven’t bought one yet, I might order one through a company out in Ontario, so far I haven’t found any places in Edmonton.
if it’s onterio you should be fine. Most will work with Fido.Rogers if bought in canada. As long as it works on thr 850/1900 mhz networks and isn’t locked to at&t or somthing
I would look into the US courts decision on Blackberry.I haven’t heard anything for a couple of days but there was a problem with the company and using copyrighted software or design or something along those lines.I believe that they were even talking about removing the entire program.I havent followed this too closely as it doesn’t concern me but I would look into it if I were you.