The much anticpated Blackberry 8800, you know it does everything including GPS Navigation and voice command/dial.
Never used everything included.
Will trade for Treo 680 + cash.
The much anticpated Blackberry 8800, you know it does everything including GPS Navigation and voice command/dial.
Never used everything included.
Will trade for Treo 680 + cash.
If just cash, how much?
^^^ See above it says $550…they are $500 + tax with the three year with Rogers.
sick pricing on the phoen ive worked wiht them and they are amazing u can map out loactions on the phone iwht gps. do u ahve desktop manager for it also? i know acouple of gusy who will want this
Hmm damn, overlooked it, I gotta see how much my upgrade is when i go to work tomorrow. Im interested tho, will keep you posted, if you cant sell then i’ll try to pick it up off of you haha
Yeah man phone is sick, BNIB with desktop manager, GPS, cables, earphones, SIM etc etc.
I’ve been using a Treo for years and I’m going go with the 680.
Your upgrade with Rogers is $570 tax in with a 3 year term ($800 on 1). I’m a little flexible on the price but they are an easy sell.
I can chop it on eBay in a few days if it doesn’t sell on forums.
lol funny thing, cuz i work for rogers but i’d rather help someone on the forums haha, anywho, sounds interesting, let me scrounge up the cash first haha. did you do a upgrade to get the 8800? or did you just buy straight up?
I upgraded so it cost me $570. I don’t mind marking it down a bit. They still sell for $450-$550US on eBay…
You work for Rogers WTF no free phones and stuff. Anyway people I showed this thing to were tripping you will be the man…I need to go with a Treo.
Scronge beg steal…
Not a bump…Paging Solitude…
Sorry my inbox was full when you responded.
Phone is going on eBay in about 10 minutes. Should have no bids for about 5 days if you are still game to have this baller status BB.
do it up man, no cash on hand atm
if you can sell which i dont doubt, sell it, i can always get one from work if i lose the chance at this one heh
Well lots of interest, no one making a move…perhaps this will change things.
Reduced to $480