blackberry vs palm treo?

so i am looking to step my game up to one of these smart phones. im thinking the blackberry pearl/curve or the palm treo 700/755 not sure which one is better or more practical. right now im leaning toward the palm treo. any opinions would be great.

My friend has the Blackberry Curve and I have the Palm Treo 700wx. The Blackberry Curve takes a little bit getting use too. A good phone overall. The 700wx is easy to use and I love it. Its only froze once on me. I just did a soft reset and it was fine. The touch screen is a huge bonus for the Palm Treo. Makes browsing the internet a lot easier.

:tup: for two good phones.

BB Curve :tup:

i have a 755p and i like it


not very informative

it sounds like your looking at versions of the treo that run palm software. if you need it then that it cool (medical books, other palm programs) but personally i think blackberry is really better than pretty much all other smart phones. i work for vzw and see the least problems with blackberrys, and the problems i do see come in are fixed very easily. this is not always the case with palm/winmo phones. the palm software is also just kind of out dated, same thing they used on a 650. blackberry software runs very smoothly, very user friendly, email will be better on the BB, you get blackberry messenger, BRICKBREAKER haha. idk this is just my opinion, but i have the option to have either, same with everyone else at my store, and pretty much everyone uses a BB. the one advantage to the palm is the threaded txt is better.

I have a 700wx and I have been using it for a year or so… I love it.

I have the 755p and absolutely love it. Although I must say I have had some issues with it freezing up and the keypad not working well sometimes. But you should also know I have not done anything to try to fix it not even taking it to the store so it could be an easy fix. However I am going to consider selling it for a BB Bold if I like it.

yeah, the 750 with touch screen is pretty dope, and the full keyboard, i also like the text thats threaded.

I got the BBerry pearl and i had the Bberry 8830, both are good phones but from my own exp the berry wins. I think that most of the members here that have berrys love them, and brickbreaker is sweet, but that isnt its only plus. Its a multi media powerhouse and the full keypad is great on the curve and suretype is like t9 on steroids. IMO get the curve

That and convos with bberry messenger beat the hell out of texting anyday

i went from a palm 750 to a blackberry 8330 and imo i like my blackberry way better

from what im seeing looks like the blackberry is what everyone says. any suggestions on which one thou

If you can hold out, wait til first week or 2 of November for the BB Bold. Otherwise get the 8310 or 8330.

do you want a full keypad or a 2key one pad deal its about size, both can do pretty much the same thing, but the curve has the bigger screen and full keypad.

o btw im on verizon so i dont know which ones are coming out for that shit. the storm is dope but im not dropping that kind of cash.

i would rather have the small size, but is the pearl quick. like i dont want to be waiting alot for apps and shit to load.

Yeah until you have to take out the battery and re-start it, mine takes like 3 mins to get up and running again

i got the curve and i love it

the pearl is just as quick as any other bb.

the people it runs slow/freezes for are not using it properly.

and its a good idea to do a soft reset on any smart phone (or regular phone) from time to time

Getting my BB curve on Friday :tup:

bb all the way i have the curve on the vzw network and i love it.

is there a launch price for the storm yet? to my understanding they are going to target the iphone and if thats the case its $200 arent treos usually a lot more than that?