Anyone have a Blackberry?

Well, its come that time that a simple cell phone will no longer due… Having customer appointments and being on the road with no email and trying to keep all this shit together is driving me nuts, so I’m going to get a blackberry.

Its the newish 7750 model from Verizon… Anyone have one, or have any experience with one, and can give me some ideas on them, how good they work, etc…?


personally i like all-in-one stuff over carring 2 things…

i have a samsung i330 palm phone…

the all in one stuff is ok but be carful cause some are designed to be palms/PocketPC machines first and phones second…make sure you get one thas designed to be a phone first & palm/PocketPC second.

not sure what verison has but i like the Samsung i500 & the treo 650…or if you like windows moblie the samsung i600


i’m a beserver admin … boooya

haha… i run all kinda blackberry’s… they > palm x2

wireless calander / appointment sync Pwnz

7250 is nice, but the 7290 is nicer… has better screen, bigger buttons and is jpeg compliant. don’t know about the 7750… we usually let them sit on the market for a month or two before upgrading.

what yo uwant to know?

the blackberry is kinda beat to hold to your ear though… hands free is a must.

battery life is good… syncing options own… breakerball is a good game.

I’m just curious on how they work, if they get just as good reception as a regular phone, if the email client is as good as people say it is, and if it really is a good step above for a young professional who needs to be in constant email contact and be able to sync things between his work computer and his mobile.

I can’t beleive I called myself a young professional :doh:

blackberry 7100g here

thats why i don’t like blackberrys & huge pocketPC & palm phones.

Im Looking Into Getting One

Jay Throw Me A Deal!!

What is this blackberry that you speak of?? link?

i get well over a 100 emails a day (legitamate) so i use mine… it’s awesome to have… nothing like sitting if weak ass traffic reading through bullshit emails so when you get in they are sorted.

i’d say go for it, if you rely on email just teh slightest bit, it’s totally worth it. like i said… you can wirelessly sync it… so you meet someone on the street and make an appt it will wirelessly sync over to your calender.

and showtime, it’s not the worst for a cell phone… it’s just a little akward.

what can i say… Im lazy :moon:

Yeah, I rely on email quite a bit… I take care of our advertising so I’m constantly getting deadlines, quotes, and ideas emailed to me back and forth from our advertisers. Plus I usually get leads for sales calls on my voicemail, it would be so much easier to get it in an email so i dont have to listen to the office manager spell out everyones name, lol.

yeah, i meet people and set up appointments to have equipment installed or to have service appts, etc… so the wireless sync would be nice too.

Thanks for your help Sonny, I appreciate it :beer:

PS - Here is a link to the one that I’m going to get I beleive.

I can get it for about $270 without a new contract or anything, just replacing my old POS phone. So I think I’ll probably do it.

i’d do it man… il ike mine… it’s sweet to be able to get and send email anywhere… just don’t tell everyone it’s your celly… that way they won’t expect you to answer to emails 24/7

not a problem with the advice…

mental note… email Sonny… ALOT

what provider? my company sells them for t-mobile and cingular. which they both have the newest BB’s right now. the 7100 series.

the 7100’s arent very awkward at all, kind of like a nokia

Blackberry 7100T for T-Mobile

Blackberry 7100G for Cingular

that’s personal opinioin… ithink they are akward as fuck… compare them to a regular cell phone.

and i have the 7250 models… actual RIM blackberrys.

these are RIM Blackberry’s. the 7100’s are just the newest

7100 to a 7250 heh is a nice comparison. the 7100, reminds you of a nokia (monolith style phone) not short and fat like the 7250’s are.

interweb > me

Anyways, the link I posted before was a time sensitive one, oh well… Here’s the link to the one I’m going to get, 7750