Choose me a phone.

I get to get a shiny new VZW phone in a couple of weeks, but I’m torn. I’ve had winmo phones for 2 years and am hooked on having a PDA phone. It will be used for:

-Minimal Email
-MP3 player on an armband (which I don’t do now because my i760 is too bulky)
-I travel overseas a couple of times a year so GSM or at least wifi VOIP would be nice
-a cool toy to play with

I’ve pretty much narrowed it down to:
BB Curve. Standard 3.5mm jack, legit keyboard, great form factor, but won’t do 3g rev A and isn’t as flexible an OS as winmo, also no wifi.

Samsung Saga. 2.5mm jack so a simple adapter is needed, wifi, rev a, quad band gsm, but it’s effing big. Thinner than my i760 but taller and wider. :ohnoes:

Samsung Omnia. Best form factor as it’s shaped identical to an ipod touch, 625 mhz proc, wifi, rev a, the works. Great package. But no real keyboard and the headphone adapter is a bulky a/d converter thing so I’d really have to go bluetooth for headphones at the gym. :gay:

So I dunno which to do. Saga’s the most capable, but it’s big. Omnia’s most powerful, but it has no keyboard and the headphone jack sucks. Curve is getting aged and has no wifi or gsm capabilities.

I’m not the type to spend a ton of cash on a phone so I won’t be upgrading in less than 2 years, plus I’m retarded and anal so I want to choose carefully.

:gotme: Thoughts?

did you wanna stay away from winmo then?

Ditch Verizon and join cult iPhone.

No I actually would like to stay with winmo. If I could get a Saga the size of an Omnia with a 3.5mm jack and the omnia’s 600+mhz processor I’d have the perfect phone.

:tif: Do you really not mind the soft keyboard?

Once you go black, you never go back.

Yeah. If I get over meaningless specs and “fun new toy” factors then the curve probably makes the most sense (ooh rev A!!!). But I really like toys. So we’ll see.

Another option would be for me to get the storm, give it to my wife, and put a new non-pink clamshell on her curve. Hmm, then I would have a gsm phone overseas…


What about the MotoQ? Is that thing still a piece of shit?

Took about 2 days to get used to it. Now I can type about 75% as fast on it as I can a PC keyboard.

SMS/email is a little slower because it doesn’t offer the landscape view of the keyboard, but that’s going to change with the 3.0 firmware release in June. In portrait I’d say I’m about 50% as fast as PC keyboard, so still not bad.

Hm. I may try the omnia for a week since VZW has that 30 day trial period thing. I could find a decent armband for using it in the gym since any iphone accessories would probably fit, but I’d still have to deal with that stupid fucking data/audio combo port. :tdown: 2 years later the iphone still has a higher resolution screen too. :wtf:

Resistance if futile. The iPhone is just that much better than all the iPhone wannabe clones Verizon is desperately pushing.

the 9630 is dropping soon. it will decimate all.

the iphone is crap and trendy. dont be a FGGT.

That’s the new one with the curve form factor right? It’s already out on AT&T? How soon?

Hmm… I googled that for me. No wifi? Srsrly? I hope it still have a 3.5mm headphone jack.

touch pro!

its basically a bold for CDMA, but moar bettah.

its not out on ATT.


^ Will the 9630 have an app store and over 50000 developers with 25000 apps?

No, then thanks for playing. FGGT :slight_smile:

Wait for the iPhone to come out on Verizon


RIM just released their app store news not too long ago.

Either way, there are TONS of BB apps out there.



i would have to rank them in order, curve, saga, omnia…

i’ve used the omnia hands on because some sucker bought it at work here and had to help them with it and it was pretty lame… non-mainstream touchscreens i think by default will always suck. The BB storm’s not bad, but it’s no iphone IMO, and i wouldn’t go anything less.

the saga keyboard looks like it is probably not that good, but hard to tell from a picture. it looks like the old Q, which was meh.

just get the curve, it’s known to be good. or wait for the new BB.