yeah… that’s the one i have!
those 72/77 series will all get replaced with the 7100’s. They have dual/split keys, but use sure type
fuck split keys and sure type… seriously.
take in my old phone as a trade!
The fact that I found someone that has that one and uses for the same purposes I will be and the fact that you like it, well that makes me alot more calm about the idea of getting one.
I went ahead and bought mine this afternoon, $265… Just gotta wait for it to be shipped in, hopefully it will be here soon.
Since you have the same phone, can we play together? :blue: :69:
haha… i use a cell phone for calls… the blackberry is work phone / email! only for emergencies… but we can email eachother while street racing and such.
you’ll like it… i like mine… it’s nice to make an appointment when you need and when you’re in the office it’s already in outlook, so you don’t have to sync and piss around.
i like it… always check email while in traffic and walking to work
Anyways, thanks again for the info. I appreciate it.
no, fuck your 7250, or your 77 series, because its already passe.
7100 is the newest sure thing.
those who havent used one, does not know new technology. and dont talk to me about cell phones, unless you want to be schooled.
well, dont buy the 72 and the 77… they completely suck ass compared to the 7100.
btw, #'s mean nothing when it comes to cellular.
72/77 is not greater than 7100 when it comes to RIM(blackberry) products
Listen, this thread was about ME GETTING A 7750… Not whether or not you like the 7250 or whatever you like.
Fuck you, go find your own damn thread to fuck around in. You haven’t given one piece of advice that is useful, other than to say, once again, how something that YOU HAVE is better than anything else, bar none…
I’m not trying to flip, but christ. This is on topic so answer the questions i asked or don’t reply…
To all others excuse my lack of patience, I’m a little pissed over the Pitt loss.
I think youre slowmindedness, did not realize, I was recomending you a superior product for a lower price, that would suit your needs much better. This is what I do for a living, I was giving you an insiders perspective on product superiority. But since youre ungrateful, then you can go sit on one.
That I can’t get for Verizon. It won’t work with my service provider and I cannot switch providers.
there is a 7100V coming out shortly, which is why i say hold off, and wait for it, well worth it
I can’t wait though… My phone is broke now, I need a phone, lol. Plus, I can get the Verizon 7750 for $260, the 7250 was like $475 from them (with no additional years added to my contract) and I’m sure that will be around the same or maybe even a little higher when the 7100 comes out.
I’m not sure, its $249.99 + $100 mail in rebate with T-Mobile
it’s $299.99 + $50 rebate with Cingular. So I’d assume the Verizon variant, can’t be to much more
Yeah, but that’s with a new 2-year contract… I already have a contract with Verizon. Basically, add $75-$100 per every year LESS contract you get…
I can get the 7250 from Verizon with a 2yr for $300, 1 yr for $375, no contract its $475.
Now, I can witch to T-Mobile, get the phone for $149 total, then get ass raped by Verizon for leaving my contract early and that costing me another $250. Total Cost is still $400… Not worth it for me.
blue sucks…
STFU please… mmmk?
don’t ever threaten to school me :rolleyes:
and stop playing mister e-salesman… telling people what they did wrong isn’t a logical sales pitch…
split keys suck get over it.
THUS, the 7720 is perfectly fine.
no need to sick money into ‘new’ stuff that is prone to failure… who knows about batterys screens durability…
i know i dropped my blackberry on it’s face crossing grant st and dropped it in the snow… hell, i lost it for 2 days once sitting outside in a snow drift where i park at home. so durability is there.
Salesman that is trying to sell to another salesman… Like I dont know all the tricks already, lol.
I read in the paper the other day that RIM just payed a big lawsuit to settle a couple of copywrite infringements that they supposedly had with their blackberry phones… I wonder if this will affect them any?