awesome! Palm is finally supporting A2DP(stereo bluetooth streaming) funny they would release something like that when they have the 800 that just came out but looks like a bad ass phone wonder how much its going to cost I would definately buy one.
buy a sprint HTC Touch Pro, reprogram it with all Verizon shit, win. Verizon has the Touch Pro but it’s underpowered compared to the Sprint version.
And Sprint > Verizon anywhere but Pittsburgh, but their network sucks in Western PA. Better phones, better network, WAY better data, way cheaper. Their customer service sucks cock like 2 Central Catholic football players alone in a locker room shower, but I would imagine Verizon is no different.
Blackberries blow, but I will admit I find the blackberry keyboard slightly easier to use for typing. Otherwise the Palm owns because of the touch-screen + keyboard. I haven’t used the new touch-screen blackberry, but they are pathetically behind just introducing one now.