Palm Pre and Palm WebOS

got looking into this phone tonight. Only going to be available for sprint at first. i hope it comes to verizon soon…

another i phone rip off, but in my opinion, i think palm did the smarter thing by adding a slide out keyborad. Typing on a touchscreen blows.

Looks sick

yeah. and it figures that shitty sprint gets it

Haha I know. Same with at&t with the fucking iPhone.

Who the hell has at&t? No one.


this phone will def blow the blackberry storm out of the water i bet

Both phones look amazing.
But I have t-mobile, so I cant get either of them.


awesome! Palm is finally supporting A2DP(stereo bluetooth streaming) funny they would release something like that when they have the 800 that just came out but looks like a bad ass phone wonder how much its going to cost I would definately buy one.

I wouldn’t be complaining! You can get an Android based phone.

cell phones are for fairies…I use smoke signals

buy a sprint HTC Touch Pro, reprogram it with all Verizon shit, win. Verizon has the Touch Pro but it’s underpowered compared to the Sprint version.

And Sprint > Verizon anywhere but Pittsburgh, but their network sucks in Western PA. Better phones, better network, WAY better data, way cheaper. Their customer service sucks cock like 2 Central Catholic football players alone in a locker room shower, but I would imagine Verizon is no different.


so when is this phone comming out???

not sure. but i want verizon to pick it up.

the only thing worse than blackberry is palm


id take my palm over windows mobile or blackberry any day.

i’d had sprint service for 12 years… before that was att only. cell phones are weak


Blackberries blow, but I will admit I find the blackberry keyboard slightly easier to use for typing. Otherwise the Palm owns because of the touch-screen + keyboard. I haven’t used the new touch-screen blackberry, but they are pathetically behind just introducing one now.

nuff said. Feel free to hate ATT, but I love all these other failing phones coming out trying to do what the iphone does.

how did it fail so far? keyboard beats typing on touchscreen…

we’ll see how it goes when people get to use the OS