Blazer Dizzy Failure: Common?

My buddy has a 99 blazer with the 4.3 in it, and every few months he has to get a new dist cap. ive heard its because of condensation ruins the contacts. is there a permanent fix to this?

silicone spray.

a good helping of silicone spray before it’s put back together will help

Very common on those trucks … your better of getting a complete new dizzy … they are supposed to vent themselfs through the housing to eliminate the problem

for shits and giggles I would try drilling two very small pin holes on the side of the cap below the rotor “plane of rotation”. Have the holes oppose each other (across from each other.) This easy trick may help, or make it worse. If not new dist as mentioned.

so a new dizzy will solve the problem because they were re designed?

Strange… I’ve got a 98 with the 4.3 and have put 1 cap on it when i did a tune up…

Did he break the screws that hold the cap on and it’s getting screwed up that way? The tabs that the screws thread into are VERY easy to break off; I can see that causing the contacts to get screwed up…

I had one that kept cracking… sucked