Bledsoe Haters enter

Not including this particular game…

lol, 1st quarter, 147 yards, 2TDs lol

Stupid Bills…

Full Name: Drew McQueen Bledsoe

Drama Queen?

anyways, i like bledsoe but i think its a good idea we got rid of him. he is an awesome qb but he just wasnt the right style of qb that worked with our offense. seems to be working good for him now so :tup: to him.

lol…TD #3 for drew

drew is a good QB but not a good fit for buffalo’s Offense, in particular our O-line

i don’t think any quarterback is suited for buffalo’s O line.

^ you’re right. the O-line stinks. And pretty much always has. Nobody really mentioned it much with Jim Kelly though, because he had good recievers to make up for the bad line.

bledsoe’s qb rating this year - 96.2
holcomb’s qb rating today - 101.7

numbers don’t lie, holcomb is light years ahead of drew bledsoe as a quarterback.


Drew would start out good for the Bills too. Lets see if he falls apart at end of the season.

Drew DID start out good for the Bills. Does anyone remember his first 7 or so games as a Bill? He was blowing up. A bazillion yards tons of TDs. Then, he took a huge shit the rest of the season. We’ll see how he does after a few more games.

I’ve been saying it for a while…he’s good and just needs a good line. something that buffalo hasn’t had in a LOOOOOOOONG time

Go drew…kick ass

10 years at least since they didnt have a wet paper bag up front.