J.P. Losman benched for Sundays game

Ch.7 reported on the news at 530 that J.P. Losman will be benched in favor of Kelly Holcomb…

This is great news…we might actually win a game…

WOW, i knew it’d happen, but this early? there goes his confidence forever :lol:


wow… we start a so-so player instead of our draft pick…

WTF is wrong with the bills. we should have picked up teste-verde before it was too late.

the seaon looks to be in shambles. I dont know if holcomb can do it or not but i feel that it has more to do than QB. theres a awful lot more going wrong on the team besides.

why are we doing this??? this is so stupid. peyton manning was 3-12 in his rookie season. we need to keep losman in there to learn. this better be temporary.


yet another dumb move to add to the list for the coaching staff of the bills…

the kid is a rookie, what do they expect? this year is sposed to be his year to get comfy, then next year we’ll go for whatever it is they wanna go for…benching him will totally fuck with his head and ruin his confidence, it will make it harder for him to learn how to work with the team as a fine oiled machine, and will make it harder for the team to work with him…

how can they even blame him? people are saying he’s cocky…other’s say he’s an idiot…i think they’re all wrong…

the kid has an arm, and he’s totally demonstrated it by over-throwing so many passes (given that he has the chance to get the ball off), and over-throwing isn’t cockyness, it isn’t stupidity, it’s lack of experience, he’s probably still getting used to the pressure of the big leagues, still re-learning the game…i’m no pro, but i bet the NFL is a hell of a lot different from any other league he’s played in before…

finally, to conclude my rant about the coaching staff…before they should ever bench JP, they should bench the entire offensive line…they give the poor guy less than 2 seconds to get rid of the ball on more than one play a game…hell i might even go as far as saying that it happens, on average, quarterly…that is most certainly not his fault…our players have the potential, but the coaches are really displaying some shitty techniques in trying to pull out that potential…ARGH!


sounds about right to me

stupid move

“we admit this is going to be a rebuilding year, but apparently our heads are so far up our own asses that to us, a rebuilding year is going 14-2”



Yeah I think we can all admit that the Bills aren’t going to do shit this season so why not get the kid some playing time? Fucking stupid move.

Actually this move probably came down from higher than the coaches. Ol’ Ralph is more than likely responsible for this idea…

go on… that’s a new angle.

actually /playoffhopes is with JP in there…they’re trying to salvage something of a season because the kid obviously isnt ready yet. throwing him to the wolves has ruined many a QB.

IMO (which is worthless) the kid is too immature to run a squad. listen to his PRIMARY RECEIVERS from college, listen to his RADIO interviews, and the press releases.

he’s got wheels though :roll2:

I think MM sees the value in developing a team where as Ralph is worried about winning right now and filling seats. Honestly, with such a stupid move I can’t see this being something that any of the coaching staff would do.

Ralph has been known to throw his weight around there and who is going to argue with him??

obviously no one’s gonna argue with him…
I honestly thought You were going to say something along the lines of Ralph wants a ring before he kicks. kudos for having another angle.

I dont think they projected sales declines this year, what with the defense on a roll the past couple of years and all. Now though, with the defense ‘dragging’ and McGahee stagnent… it could be.


did anyone else see the press conference where Malarkey or whatever said today JP is the starter

I’m sure Ralph wants a ring before he bites it, but I really don’t think he’s naive enough to make a move like this thinking that he will be closer to the Super Bowl. Its really just to shake things up and perhaps get some people in the seats who want to see what the new “new” guy is going to do.

I could be way off though. The point is…I say let the kid learn. He isn’t going to do anything but loose confidence and get rusty sitting on the bench.