another bills thread(JP bandwagon rant)

ok i am getting fed up with people being like omg jp is starting casue hes better now… jp for prez… jp is starting becasue holcomb sucks…

people are stupid… the only reason jp would start is that holcomb is inujured… mike said kelly is our starter he will be evalued through out the week and he will make a decision based on how kelly feels…

people need to decide on a qb to root for and not boo somebody when they make a mistake… and then go back to rooting for a qb who u people have booed before when the current qb gets injured

– end of rant

lol…and breathe…and exhale…

very good…now repeat :slight_smile:

JP is the future. They shouldn’t have taken him out to begin with. Holcomb is basically a band-aid for the team.

As much as it kills me to say it, that is the truth. JP Sux0rs but he will never get better unless he plays sigh

Yeah and thats the mentality that has Holcomb playing to begin with. True he did a decent job and won a couple games, but everyone in Buffalo is so scared of having a rebuilding year. You could have a team of TO’s, Tomlinson’s, Gonzalas’, but if you don’t have a solid QB the team won’t do a whole lot. We don’t have a stacked offense and we don’t have a solid QB…time to rebuild the team.


well at this point they have no choice but to play Holcomb since theyre in the running for playoffs. Team owners and bigshots are not gonna allow lossman to blow the playoffs for the Bills, playoffs=money. JP DOES need to play in order to mature into the NFL, but at this point in the season with the Bills looking good for the playoffs, Holcomb will be their go-to man as long as he is Healthy to play. my $.02

Yea, the Bills have a chance of actually getting into the playoffs since our division sucks, so using Holcomb to win some games and not go into a rebuilding year, this year is a good move IMO.

what ive always said, im glad you typed it- so now i wont have to


Holcomb lost 2 in a row. JP came in, threw two deep passes for touchdowns and basically won the game. So even is Holcomb is healthy I’d still start JP. If he goes back to the 40 something rated QB, pull him.

Thats where i disagree, they have eric moulds lee evans rosco parrish, and willis mcgahee. The bills offens should be able to spead a defense like nobody’s business. The O line is the big issue and it has been for years. Both QBs can get the job done but JP seems to make alot more mistakes but can get the ball out there. Holcomb makes less mistakes but doesnt have a great arm. Which is better?

I don’t see why they don’t just use both, switch in the game. they can swap rb’s at will, why not qb’s? holcomb’s experience and jp’s explosiveness.

we already saw what that can do to an offense prepped for a pocket passer when a mobile back gets slotted in.

I agree that the Offense is pretty good. I am a huge McGahee fan (1st pick in my fantasy draft) and I have always loved Moulds. Parrish hasn’t done anything yet, and Evans looks like he’s coming on again.

And of course JP is going to make mistakes. Not every rookie (or 2nd year) player is going to be like Big Ben. Thats what made him such a phenom. He was a rookie who didn’t make many mistakes. I don’t think he is that outstanding a QB from a stats or talent standpoint. He just doesn’t mess up much.

And yeah the O line has always been a soft spot on this team. We haven’t had a good O line since the days of House Ballard, Glenn Parker, and Kent Hull.

I still think they should let the kid get his licks in otherwise we are going to have another Todd Collins on our hands.

they deff need to wait to till next season to play jp as a starting qb tho

Now I am not a Holcomb or Losman fan so i could careless who starts…my theory is stick with the Kid…he has to learn sometime…and i fu look at teh schedule we have 3 divisional opponents left to play…NYJ…PATS…Dolphins…now we have a chance at Jets and Dolphins…PATS are not gooing to have another close game with us…the rest of our schedule sux as well SD (i am a Charger fan)…SD will win…the Broncos will beat us…and i dont think our defense can stop Palmer and the Bengals but they might…so i dont think the bills have a shot at playoffs…def not Super Bowl team…so i say rebuild get the kid some hits and learn…he sat a few games and learned alot and got pissed…came out had a decent game a won it…but i do like the idea of switching QBs througout the game in different situations…woudl confuse the defense on what to do…i also vote for that…ok my useless rambling is done

well i’d hope he can win when the defense holds the other team to only 3 points. still not impressed at all… he also threw those 2 td passes against one of the worst defenses in the league

:word: :tup: to the future!

umm…hello jp also lost 2 in a row and holcomb came in and won

another good point … jp hasnt won agaisnt a decent defence yet he sucks unless hes facing a horrible d-fence (houston and kc)

i want to see JP win a game on the road…