another bills thread(JP bandwagon rant)

One step at a time. The whole team can’t even win a game on the road.

Agreed, but what had Holcomb got us after about 20 minutes of play against that same D before he got hurt?

One less QB on the depth chart

We wont have enough wins for the wildcard, the patriots will take the division until bellichek retires, and we have a tough schedule coming up. The playoffs are a pipe dream at best. Holcomb is a bandaid, we got a couple of wins out of it, Id keep rolling with JP now. And Id alternate back and forth if I felt like it, bc this season isnt the one. Get some QB experience, get some wins, GET MOULDS THE DAMN BALL, and draft some O-line anda fat DT for next year.



I thought Todd Collins was our future…or was it Rob Johnson…I can never remember because they were both so awesome…

yep it was said about both of them

Todd Collins just plain sucked. Rob Johnson had absolutely no potential. He got tossed around to a couple teams… where is he now? I think he doesn’t even play. I could be wrong. The only reason Johnson has a damn Super Bowl ring is because “Every one on the team gets a ring… no matter how little you actually do.”

youre missing the point. everyone kept blabbing how both of them were our future and just needed time to get better. and look how that worked out for us. whats to say it will or will not happen with losman? everyone thinks this kid is the second reincarnation of god or something.

I agree with what you say. I just think that we have to keep doing this until we actually get a good one. No first year quarterback does great his first year. (It’s a rare occasion). Peyton Manning even had a bad first year if I’m not mistaken. (and no i’m not comparing them). I think we need to give him the rest of the year and start him next year… I knew this year had the possibility of being a wash with him in but he has to play to learn. I’ma Bills fan for life so I can wait another year if it’s needed.

So what are you suggesting they do. Just pick up old journey man QBs?? Rent-a-players?? You have to put your faith in the new guy, but you have to stick with it as well. The second part is something we haven’t done since Kelly was started here.

:word: Exactly what I am saying. It is majorly needed.

no, give him a chance, but not forever. you need to know how to cut your losses and move on. not saying losman’s a lost cause yet, but if he doesnt improve you cant keep holding out hope he will “with more time”.

What the fuck do ANY of you see in Holcomb though?!?! He’s a backup quarterback. nothing more than that. He doesn’t have enough skill to be considered a full-time quarterback for a full season. He’s extremely one dimensional and despite being a veteran, he makes critical mistakes at inopportune times.

Also, he did absolutely NOTHING that was the clear deciding factor in his wins.

john elway rookie year 1-15.
i say play losman, have been saying it all year.

And you can’t possibly say that you give him until the end of this year and decide then. You have to play him next year too. What if Indy gave up on Manning after his first year? What if Denver gave up on Elway after his first year? They would’ve been lost. “Cutting their losses and moving on” after this year would be gay. It would be a terrible move that wouldn’t help the team in any way.

I’m all for cutting a shit player. But they gave him what 3-4 games to prove himself…as a rookie? (essentially he’s a rookie from having very little playing time last year) Thats not nearly enough time for him to get his confidence up and start understanding the game at the NFL level. It takes some veterans that much time to shake off the rust after an injury. I just think they should let him play out the season and see what happens. Even if they make the playoffs, they aren’t going further than the first round and are certainly no SuperBowl team.