Buffalo Bills: Who gets the start against Washington?

Not who you want to start, but who you think the Bills will start.

I don’t see how they can look at the film of the Jacksonville game and not finally give up on JP. Wait and see I guess.

2 INT’s, 1 Lost fumble how can they not start Edwards? I say this but knowing the Bills they’ll let me down like usual and start Losman haha.

Not only that but who knows the extent of the sack on his bad knee. He was limping off the field and the replay didn’t look that good either.

losman fucking sucks, edwards better start

We should not even play, end the season, sell the team.

I voted JP. I can see them letting him finish out the year (unless he gets injured), and cut him loose after the season (he’ll be a free agent anyway). Then begins the Edwards era.


I voted JP. I can see them letting him finish out the year (unless he gets injured), and cut him loose after the season (he’ll be a free agent anyway). Then begins the Edwards era.


Nope one year left on his contract!

While I voted for JP, I think he is terrible and Edwards should be in there. But, I have a feeling our amazing coaching staff will leave in JP still thinking, “he’s our QB of the future…” He’s had 3 years of sucking a fat one and they still have faith in him for whatever reason, so why change that now. (despite the fact he indeed sucks and will never be an effective starter in this league)


Nope one year left on his contract!


Oh then he’ll ride the pine!!

Losman. Not because they think he’s better, but because they need to give him his “opportunity” and there is no reason to risk injury to Edwards since their season was toast since week 5.

NE clinched today, so it wouldn’t matter what the Bills did they had no chance of sniffing the playoffs without taking the division (that went for any AFC East team).

If Losman does have one more year on his contract (?), they would play him out so they can generate whatever trade value they can. They will probably trade him during the draft for some picks or to move them up.

if lost-man plays next week, what little we have left of our playoff hopes are gone. i think edwards will get the start…i hope he starts.


While I voted for JP, I think he is terrible and Edwards should be in there. But, I have a feeling our amazing coaching staff will leave in JP still thinking, “he’s our QB of the future…” He’s had 3 years of sucking a fat one and they still have faith in him for whatever reason, so why change that now. (despite the fact he indeed sucks and will never be an effective starter in this league)


You really know your facts dont you? Losman’s rookie year he had a broken leg didnt play two years ago he was in an out with the holcomb debacle so last year was his only year of “sucking a fat one” but if you follow football a tiny bit you would know he didnt “suck a fat one”.

I dont think he is the answer and i voted for Edwards i’m just tired of the people who repeat what they hear on tv verbatim when it is false.

Losman never really did have “his time” without interruptions for us to see what he has. But at this point from what weve seen of Edwards, he plays better and if we have any hope for playoffs, we should start the guy who has not given us any reason to not start him. Play Edwards.

they should start trent but their dumb and they will go with jp but i hope not

Losman has had plenty of time to prove himself. Yes I know he was injured his rookie year and didn’t play straight through. Aside from all that he’s had enough time to show if he was the real deal or not.


if lost-man plays next week, what little we have left of our playoff hopes are gone. i think edwards will get the start…i hope he starts.


Nobody in the AFC East had playoff hopes with New England in the division. NOBODY.

miami had a shot


You really know your facts dont you? Losman’s rookie year he had a broken leg didnt play two years ago he was in an out with the holcomb debacle so last year was his only year of “sucking a fat one” but if you follow football a tiny bit you would know he didnt “suck a fat one”.

I dont think he is the answer and i voted for Edwards i’m just tired of the people who repeat what they hear on tv verbatim when it is false.


No he might not of had all those full seasons but he has had 33 starts now.


miami had a shot


Miami still has a shot… at running the table in reverse :slight_smile:


ide die laughing if the dolphins only win this year comes against the bills.