J.P. Losman benched for Sundays game

fucking word. sink or swim time.

i wouldnt say mcgahee is “stagnant” he had a few very nice runs last week the problem is they give up on the run game as the game progresses and he has limited carries

Anybody want to buy the rest of my season tickets?


Its still worth going just to tailgate!!

i was never on the lossman bandwagon. How many will jump now?

this guy

Was there really a bandwagon?? I think you are more likely to find people who thought this was going to be a “rebuilding”-ish year. I surely didn’t think he was going to be our savior. As long as he didn’t screw up too bad I thought maybe we had a shot at winning a few games.

Losman isn’t the problem. Losman is like David Carr. Talented, but with no protection. You see what’s happened to Carr? That’s Losman in 3 years if they keep playing him and don’t get him some bodyguards.


So basically we get rid of Drew to start Holcomb? I thought the purpose of ditching Bledsoe was to DEVELOP JP?? If we ran the ball 30 times a game like smart teams do, JP would do just fine.

ill buy some tix! :slight_smile:

IMHO the o-line is looking way better than it has in years. JP is getting enough time to make the throws but he’s simply not throwing them. and when he is throwing them, he’s overthrowing.

with the exception of QB, both the defense and offense actually look pretty good. the bills really arent a 1-3 team (or even a 1-16 team like i’m predicting). but the problem is our major weakness is the lack of a real QB. Holcomb is not the answer.

i bet if our o-line gave drew the amount of time they’ve given JP, he’d be doing as well here as he’s doing for parcells.

Oh snap! Dennis it’s Schaefer.

I guess we’ll all just wait and see what happens. I would like to see a win nonetheless

what a dumb fucking move.

well if nothing else look at it like you are trouble shooting a problem. You want to try and find all the possible causes

is it the O-line?
is it the QB?

i guess by playing holcomb now with all other elements of the team being the same then we can realize it’s JP’s errors.

on the other hand, if the results are the same or similar, then we need to look elsewhere, like the O-line, poor coaching, poor player discipline, bad playcalling, poor team management and draft choices etc…

It honestly cant hurt to let JP rest a week and take a step back and observe from the sidelines and watch film and practice and study more

either way i hope it works out for the bills, and IMO i think tom donahoe has set the team up for failure

the whole premise of starting JP baffles me, here he assembled a veteran (read: OLD) team to win now, then he starts the rookie QB.
either go young and go with JP and let them grow into contenders, or try to win now.
On another note, chargers are on national TV again this monday night…word

i agree. our O line sucks, it has for a few years now. just look at how bad everyone said bledsoe was when he was here, now hes in dallas with a really good o line that he didnt have here, and hes doing pretty well.

I don’t know what team you have been watching. The o-line has been atrocious at protecting Losman. The only reason it doesn’t appear to be as bad is because the kid has been able to squeek away from the sack a bunch of times with his legs.

As for the rest of the team, I am seeing recievers just dropping balls right in their hands. Easy catches, noone around. And they are dropping them. HORRIBLE secondary coverage, and a total lack of ability to stop any run game. Teams are walking all over our defense that was supposed to be one of the best in the leage going into the season.

The whole entire team is a pitiful failure right now. I’m not alleiviating losman from responsibility as he has made some shitty decisions here and there. But aye, he’s still a first season player. You can’t expect him to be as wise as a veteran. And he needs the team around him to produce and be there as well. And they aren’t.

losman is playing about as good as he should be right now with the team thats playing around him. EVERYONE is sucking up da house, not just JP.

And honestly, im not even that much of a fan of him. I just think he needs to keep playing so he can get a feel of how the nfl works and get used to the fast pace.

One of the most common things ive heard nfl rookies is “this isnt college.”

anyone else notice how much he moved around in game one, and how little the last 3 games? i bet they told him to stay in the pocket to keep his head attatched…

now compare the performance…fuck, watch his feet as he sits in the pocket…all dancing around and shit. this kid knows how to move…thats how he plays…LET THE KID RUN…goddamn…