J.P. Losman benched for Sundays game

maybe i’m crazy, but it seems to me JP is averaging way more time to throw than drew in these first 4 weeks. is the general thinking that JP’s problems are that he need MORE time to decide where to throw? I don’t think thats why he’s sucking it up.

As for the rest of the team, I am seeing recievers just dropping balls right in their hands. Easy catches, noone around. And they are dropping them.

can’t blame moulds, reid, evans for anything since more than 1/2 the balls that have been thrown their way were uncatchable.

HORRIBLE secondary coverage, and a total lack of ability to stop any run game. Teams are walking all over our defense that was supposed to be one of the best in the leage going into the season.

secondary is actually doing a decent job against the pass - and as far as our linebackers - they’ve always had an issue against blocking the run up the middle. our number 2 ranked defense last yr was greatly inflated if you take a look at who we played in the last 12 games of last season.

The whole entire team is a pitiful failure right now.

actually special teams is doing a phenomenal job

I’m not alleiviating losman from responsibility as he has made some shitty decisions here and there. But aye, he’s still a first season player. You can’t expect him to be as wise as a veteran. And he needs the team around him to produce and be there as well. And they aren’t.

excellent point. what i can’t understand is why mularky just doesnt hand the ball to macgahee 20+ times a game. If we are having a problem throwing, why aren’t we runnning?

btw - hi erik!

Again, a mobile quarterback is going to buy more time with a few steps. He doesn’t have all that much time back there. And yes, you can blame Moulds, Reed, and evans for the dropped balls that were EASILY catchable and there have been many. Coverage has been horrible on the pass. There have been so many blown coverages where recievers have gotten so wide open. and the run isn’t just up the middle. They are going outside on us too. Just admit it, the opponents have been walking over us both offensively and defensively.

I agree with bubble

Holcomb has experence… let us try to get in the playoffs, if we are many games out, put JP back in.

and let Mcgahee run!

Sabres 1-0


You think this team has a shot at the playoffs??? HAHAHAHA

Its not happening. Losman isn’t going to get better unless he plays. Yet another wasted draft pick if he sits on the bench. Everyone in Buffalo is so scared to admit that the team is not that good and that we might need a few years to rebuild. Too many people are holding on to that early 90’s glory that just isn’t there anymore.

And as far as McGahee running…he’s averaging 93 yards a game and I think he’s 5th in rushing in the AFC. Apparently he is doing ok for himself.

I said try to get into the playoffs… we have a better shot with holcomb. Let him play these 2 divisional games… If we win, we are in good shape.

No, I know you said TRY but my arguement is that the Bills by making this move are almost giving people the false hope that maybe by some miracle we can make the playoffs. Ralph, just like the fans in Buffalo, can’t admit that we need to rebuild, develop some young talent, and come out firing in 2 seasons.

lets see how holcomb throws with an O-line like this. no one can play well under those kind of conditions. bad move :tdown:

here is an article written by jerry sullivan, i think it makes a lot of sense and agree with what hes saying

[QUOTE=]Who calls the Bills’ signals?
Mike Mularkey was scrambling at the podium late Wednesday afternoon, ducking and dodging like some beleaguered rookie quarterback trying to evade an all-out blitz.
The Bills’ head coach wouldn’t answer the question that was on everyone’s mind. He wouldn’t confirm the worst-kept secret in town. But the word is out. Mularkey has decided to pull J.P. Losman and use Kelly Holcomb as his starting quarterback for Sunday’s home game against Miami.
This move reeks of panic. It’s weak, a betrayal of Losman, a knee-*** abandonment of the plan to let him learn on the job. Having insisted earlier in the week that Losman was his starter, Mularkey invites speculation as to whether this really was his decision.
I’m not sure what to believe anymore. Mularkey actually said he wasn’t aware Losman had a regular weekly news conference - which was called off Wednesday for some mysterious reason.
Maybe we’ll never get the real story. President and General Manager Tom Donahoe made it clear that the decision to dump Drew Bledsoe and go with Losman was an organizational move. Everyone agreed, from Ralph Wilson on down. So given Mularkey’s flip-flop, it’s fair to wonder if the higher-ups had a hand in the decision to kick Losman out of the driver’s seat and toss the keys to Holcomb.
Well, if they were going to use Holcomb at the first sign of crisis, why didn’t they have an open competition for quarterback in training camp? Didn’t he deserve a chance to win the job from the outset? Was this yet another example of Donahoe wanting it both ways?
Donahoe won over a lot of fans by getting rid of Bledsoe. He used a young quarterback to sell hope. The Bills sold more season tickets than in any season since the Super Bowl years. To some extent, they sold the public on the notion that Losman was the present and the future.
This is what Losman gets? A four-game audition, yanked out of two? What’s the plan, exactly? Do you want to develop the kid or win a few games to appease the veteran players and impatient fans?
Look, the Bills are not a Super Bowl contender. They parted ways with Bledsoe because 9-7 wasn’t good enough. The goal is to beat New England and Indianapolis and Kansas City and Pittsburgh. Bledsoe couldn’t do that. I’ve got news for you. Holcomb isn’t good enough, either.
The only good thing I can say about this move is that it’s better than throwing Holcomb in cold when they’re losing. If they were going to panic, this was the week to do it. Consecutive home games against the Dolphins and Jets is a perfect setup - if the real objective is allowing Holcomb to steal Losman’s job.
Gee, and I thought a couple of games in cozy Ralph Wilson Stadium would be an ideal way to get Losman some confidence and further his development. I guess it’s more important to perpetuate the myth that the Bills are a contender.
While he was at it, maybe Mularkey should have reminded us that his defense is playing for a place in NFL history.
And people wonder why the Bills keep treading water. Just be patient. Donahoe will get them to the playoffs eventually. Meanwhile, A.J. Smith, John Butler’s old right-hand man, has built San Diego into a power that blew out the Patriots in Foxborough.
That must be quite an embarrassment to Wilson. I suspect he’s in no mood to be embarrassed here Sunday against Miami. Maybe Holcomb can help him save face, the way Rob Johnson did when they gave him Doug Flutie’s job in January 2000.
There’s always a chance Holcomb, who has won four games as a starter, could light up the league and win double that for the Bills. They could go 8-4, roar to a 9-7 finish and miss the playoffs again.
At that point, they could hold a big news conference and announce that Losman is the new starter. They’ll be behind him 100 percent. Take their word for it.
e-mail: [email=“jsullivan@buffnews.com”]jsullivan@buffnews.com



i think he’s actually getting more time than bledsoe b/c TB, ATL, and NO all have played the game giving JP the opportunity to try to beat them with the pass. Yes he looks good runnin with the ball and he seems to know where the pass rushers are when they’re coming for him. but why on earth is he still diving head first to get more yards after a run???

And yes, you can blame Moulds, Reed, and evans for the dropped balls that were EASILY catchable and there have been many.

until they get a COMBINED TOTAL 30+ attempted passes a game, its not fair to blame them yet. They are not seeing the ball nearly enough.

Coverage has been horrible on the pass. There have been so many blown coverages where recievers have gotten so wide open. and the run isn’t just up the middle. They are going outside on us too.

i believe this is b/c the bills def is averaging well over 40+ mins for the last 3 games (week 1 vs houston was a complete fluke). The d is beat up and tired. the bills need their offense to give their defense a break.

Just admit it, the opponents have been walking over us both offensively and defensively.

i completely concur. it’s been an ugly season thus far and doesn’t look like its gonna get better. we’ve got miami this week with a rejuvenated and motivated ricky williams. if miami decides to line up ronnie and ricky together, we’re in trouble. NYJ is next week w/ vinny starting this week. look for vinny to throw 200+ yds. if vinny is comfortable w/ the offense (and why shouldn’t he be?), look for team green to roll over us the following week too.

I’m standing by my prediction - Bills 1 win, 15 losses. and I’ll throw in something else we can debate about - our 1st round draft pick will be a QB.