Hi again, just to note, if you read my last bit again from my last post, I said the people who hang out there won’t be happy to see you, I didn’t say I was or I wouldn’t let you come.

Although, I am disappointed because I washed my car, waxed it, cleaned even the windows inside out, vacuumed it, spent 100 dollars on detailing the engine too, you get the idea, and when I reached close to York dale, my friend calls me that not to go there, cops are everywhere, I ask him where is he, he tells me 1 guy got his (GTI) impounded and 4 got heavy tickets, because they were on hwy7 just after the skyline guys, going on Bathurst north.

So you could see the after affects, at first they were all pissed at Nissan TNC, but then people cooled and I explained to them as they found out later it was a bunch that screwed it up. So they got as much info as they could of people who were know to mess up that night, and like I said in my previous message it wasn’t just you they are aware off, there are other guys too.

And they are cool for other people to come hang out from the Nissan club, but im talking about the Vaughan community as a whole, we have very low key meets here and no cop trouble, that’s why we want to keep it this way.

You sound angry, even though you apologized, I have forgotten of that night, even though I was pissed that I went all the way after 8 hours of cleaning my car. But some people don’t want to risk it now. Its not because its for good, its because opening season is when cops are hungery for big busts after a cool winter season, and when eventually things cool down into summer people become more relaxed.

And btw you asked me who am I to tell you where you can hang out or not, while you clearly missed my point, I was merely telling you in advance so you don’t go somewhere people might want to start problems, and in return you flame me for trying to give you a heads up, nice.

one more thing, i don’t think always getting taught a heavy lesson is the right way to learn, sometimes its best to AVOID it. Yes, you appologized, but that dosen’t give me back my time. You had fun, i didn’t, is that fair?