… first of all i already apologized and said sorry to who matters and buddy who are you to tell me where and when to be at a place, i got my rights and you got yours, so if u want to get at me i could care less cuz if “vaughan” is your city why am i dere, think before you talk bro i got nothing against you i don’t know how old you are but straight up ima young buck i made a mistake at yorkdale and i man’d up to get got my tickets and left so bfo u say im not welcome maybe u should think if YOUR not welcome… ezZ
so far, in every G/Z meet i’ve been in the last 4 years of owning this car, we never had a problem in any of our meets, so i guess the answer is yes. But it’s not a question you needed to ask, since I already said it plainly beforehand. And like I said, we respect one and other enough to not drag the whole thing down.
maybe you should just read my posts, it would save me alot of retyping. I’ve never said we dont’ have our fun, but at the very least we don’t cause trouble while doing it.
Just cause you apologized, doesnt mean we’ve accepted it. I was at the meet for 10 minutes before you pulled your J turn, and i’m not exactly too gracious of your actions.
Yes you have your rights, he’s not saying you cant show up, he’s just saying you wont be welcome. He probably doesnt have the right to speak for everyone, i for one think that everyone deserves a second chance, but i’m just one person. Others may think differently.
I dont know how he’s not welcome, he didnt do anything stupid. Good for you, you manned up to what you did, would you like a medal or a ****ing blowjob? Just cause a murderer admits to his crime doesnt mean he gets no time.
Dont expect people to be all chummy with you just cause you pleaded guilty. Murderers are still sentenced to time. If you really want to try coming out to another meet, ask rick to see if its cool first. And even if you do, dont expect people to welcome you with open arms.
I havent met you or talked to you, but you pulled something stupid. I’ll gladly shake your hand and welcome you to a meet, but thats just cause i believe in second chances. You still need to reap what you sow.
Z32…remember what i said to you when i write back to ure PM…sorry is all well n good but…like i said to u earlier…its gunna take alot to get you back in ppl’s good books and ure gunna have to pull sumn outta ure ass or jus give it some time…personally i belive in second chances…so w/e no harm done…“Cal” is right tho…nex meet or in fact anything tnc related jus a quick pm or phone call w/e to rick wont hurt…he says yea ure good to go…from what i see zep’s mad cool… so… minor shit… do sumn positive for the TNC community…
^^^ well i respect what you said but i don’t get why your only attacking wun person i did do that 180 and was a stupid action i learned and moved on so should others and if u guys can’t …whos the mature wuns… think bout it but w/e i aint here to go threw some next drama i was just here to check out some nice nissans u somepplz make it like i killed someone when i got dere i heard ppl skidding around so i wasn’t the only wun that ****ed up but you all seen i did the 180 so im the number wun target like yo grow up everyone makes mistakes dis might of been a big wun and i wasn’t aware about the pplz that drove 2-3-4-5 hours to get to this meet if i was dere would be no room for stupidity, now i see how u guys are but hey if i aint welcome ill take my leave and btw i did talk to zep, but if u guys aint mature enuff to forgive den ill leave but hey i aint asking you to forget cuz who could forget dat lol not me anyways im really sorry for the pplz that drove a far way down i wasn’t aware of that and i apologize - ezZ
z32 is a good kid that made a bad choice! get to know him a bit and you’ll see he’s mad kool!! its part of life so people try to just let it go… i know everyone on this board has done something they wish they hadn’t!..
You’re in no position to be telling anyone their immature for not forgiving you. It isnt even a matter of maturity. Many say, “forgive but never forget” and personally, i think this is a perfect scenario for that quote. Dont make yourself out to be a victim by stating yourself as the number “one” (PS try writing with good grammar, and spelling. WTF IS “wun”). If you dont want to be a target for criticism and angry comments, maybe you shouldnt post anymore. you have a right to be here, just like if you wanted to go to vmills. Dont cry about nmot being welcome, you dug your own hole, and trust me, you’re going farther and farther just from trying to make yourself a victim. As for “making it seem liek you killed someone” you very well could have. So dont even bring that up. What if there was a car in your blind spot? what if you hit a wet spot and slid out of control, what if there were children with their families walking out of the theatre. I dont think you understand how big of a problem this is. its far beyond respect for the club, its respect for life that you dont have. Do yourself a big favor, and just keep quiet. Yes, you can post if you want, but everyone’s already heard your apology, and you’ve already had 2 people tell you that they’ll give you a second chance.
if i were you, i’d stfu.
edit: nitescream did you read my post on the last page?
Hi again, just to note, if you read my last bit again from my last post, I said the people who hang out there won’t be happy to see you, I didn’t say I was or I wouldn’t let you come.
Although, I am disappointed because I washed my car, waxed it, cleaned even the windows inside out, vacuumed it, spent 100 dollars on detailing the engine too, you get the idea, and when I reached close to York dale, my friend calls me that not to go there, cops are everywhere, I ask him where is he, he tells me 1 guy got his (GTI) impounded and 4 got heavy tickets, because they were on hwy7 just after the skyline guys, going on Bathurst north.
So you could see the after affects, at first they were all pissed at Nissan TNC, but then people cooled and I explained to them as they found out later it was a bunch that screwed it up. So they got as much info as they could of people who were know to mess up that night, and like I said in my previous message it wasn’t just you they are aware off, there are other guys too.
And they are cool for other people to come hang out from the Nissan club, but im talking about the Vaughan community as a whole, we have very low key meets here and no cop trouble, that’s why we want to keep it this way.
You sound angry, even though you apologized, I have forgotten of that night, even though I was pissed that I went all the way after 8 hours of cleaning my car. But some people don’t want to risk it now. Its not because its for good, its because opening season is when cops are hungery for big busts after a cool winter season, and when eventually things cool down into summer people become more relaxed.
And btw you asked me who am I to tell you where you can hang out or not, while you clearly missed my point, I was merely telling you in advance so you don’t go somewhere people might want to start problems, and in return you flame me for trying to give you a heads up, nice.
one more thing, i don’t think always getting taught a heavy lesson is the right way to learn, sometimes its best to AVOID it. Yes, you appologized, but that dosen’t give me back my time. You had fun, i didn’t, is that fair?
tuner’s have a bad reputation due to the fact when people think of a tuned car they automatically think of street racing why because of movies … but there is a study that is proven that 90% of street racing happens with idiots that are not tuners but young guys who take their momies and dadies car for a “spinn” now you ask why we are still targeted well because its eazier to pick on somthing thats eazie to find something wrong wrong with you guys thing that we are picked at random how about the old skool days in the 60’s ara with the big blocks v8 you think they didn’t get picket on by the cop every sing car that had a shiny header got a ****ing ticket now think about that we progresed quite a bit wining and fusing aint gonna lead enywere you have to keep moving … and plus last summer was heat too and it isn’t going so bad there was an artcle in the news paper about the street racing study everything should cool off and not all forums are talking shit my friends on one of the suby forums and they know exactly what whapend people just gota stop bitchin and like the guy who started to flame this whole club his dad probally didn’t **** him up the ass or somthing ps cops always find somthing wrong just be glad you don’t own a tuned sivic cause man this guy i know got 5 tickits in one day going to work haha just be glad
HAHAH^^^Vanya me too lol
I dont evn care a bout z32 topic stupid yes w/e i really dont care i had other shit to worry about and he pulled the e brake right in front of me lol,
I just don’ want any body saying anything bad about the club, Like who are You ANd why are you calling m a ricer are u ****ing carzy ?
Yes, hopefully things will cool down as summer roles in, and people will forget about all this.
I certainly have. Although i’m just more cautious now.
Many of you on this forum could learn alot from this young man.
I’m afraid I’ll have to take sides with 350Z guys and Heinz. I’ve joined this forum since almost the beginning and have attended a few meets. It was good at first until some new members joined and started shit disturbing, hence why I don’t attend TNC meet anymore. I just see some of you guys at commerce on a normal chilling day, that’s about it for me.
It seems that some of you have been with TNC for a long time, or perhaps have ONLY had TNC meets. If you were to try going to other meets, like ToyotaNation, RX7Clubs, VW Vortex, TSC, TCC, etc. Comparing to them, TNC and Son240 is probably the most amateurish and irresponsible clubs. Sorry guys, but that’s the truth.
btw, good shit Caleb.
well i couldn’t make that meet and thankful for that. I’m a 31 year business owner and drive a 1991 dark blue r32 skyline(imported it myself) love it and everything about it but i can’t be around stupid behavior like that.
It especially doesnt help your case with us when someone who’s been saying they’d forgiven you and given you a second chance (me) gets a pm from you threatening to kick my ass cause i’m a shit talker.
You talked about maturity, so far all your actions other than apology have proved otherwise. Maybe you should sit down and think aboutwhat people have been saying in this forum. Just cause their harsh with you doesnt mean they wont get over it. Dont make things worse by saying “if you’ve got a problem we can fix this by kicking each other’s ass”. Believe it or not, that doesnt work in your favor.
Thanks “realityz33” (Rich? or was it church? damn mafia) and david for the support
z32 Devil, I believe you just violated a TOU. I would think a permanent ban is necessary. As you are a special individual…
So lets recap:
You embarrassed this forum, tarnished its reputation within the local tuner community.
Ruined the first meet of '08, ruined possibly the single largest gathering of tuners in the T.Dot.
Wasted the day & money, for some members who took time out of there busy weekend schedule to attend, some who even drove a few hours, one way.
Ruined any potential future, weekly meetups at YD (for tnc)
You tried to apologize by justifying your actions, instead of understanding what repercussions your actions could have had.
… I could go on…
Personally, you deserve a permanent time out…
ls13 & TNC admins,
If you want to see an end to these shenanigans , I would suggest you apply a zero tolerance policy. Starting with z32 Devil.
Edit: cal its church
W/e ppl, im tryin to make a point here, i kinda agree with u guys but not all the way. I just dont want any name calling or stupid shit on evryone doesnt count.
As a matter of fact i haven’t met any TNC Members to date that would qualify as a ricer or a an idiot on the road(Honestly )
I’m the only one who doesnt really care, about all this shit, But theres a few things Even i don’t do
Like doing stupid things on public roads with ppl anywhere around my car or in it.
Endanger Other Cars.
Doing stunts in front off ppl such a 14 yr old thing to do , i would know ive been driving on public roads since 12
PLZ dont threaten anyone on the forums, Ill really show up at ur house and **** your shit Up, or some one will fuk me up but then n You reallly have a problem.
This is not only for zz32 guy or w/e
i dont care who reallly u could be tyson talkin shit
maybe you should take your own advice.
Listen I dont know or care to know who you are, in fact I have no problem with you personally…
But you need to relax with the threats, seriously… Do you think that your some sort of gangster?
You have violated part of the TNC TOU. You deserve to be banned.
You also voiced threats in an earlier post.
If you keep posting up your #, somebody is going to call your bluff.
Again, TNC ADMINS, a zero tolerance policy seems necessary
shawn lol and yeah shes a doll