maybe you should also give this some rational thought instead of just playing the victim card.

Has it occurred to you WHY TNC attracts idiots to do random drifting in a busy parking lot like yorkdale? Because some of you think you’ve got something to prove, and somehow the “rules” aka the LAW somehow doesn’t apply to you when you’re showing off. I’m not saying all of you do it, but there are a number of you that don’t have the maturity to act responsibly.

Now take a look at the G/Z meets, ALL of us have enough respect for one another to not be a douche. Those who want to push their cars go on the track/drag to do so. We let our cars speak for themselves, there’s no need for this hoonage.

That’s not to say we don’t have our fun here and there, but knock on wood we’ve had huge meets and no one has caused enough trouble to cause the cops to show up.

It may very well be that some of you guys have an inferiority complex of some sort, which causes you guys to talk it up and do stupid stunts. Just treat your car with respect, and everyone will show you the same. All i’ve seen on this board is random shit talk about how this guy’s car is a load of shit bricks or this guy thinks his car is a ferrari. It may very well be that they’re joking around, but honestly i don’t see the sarcasm tags around all the hate around here. It’s about time you guys grow up and learn to respect one another.

^ what thought are you talking about? for me to already know that there are a bunch of clowns in just about every car club? this is old news but…

not going to let some random person start flaming us all as a whole, it’s unacceptable. Many of us already explained what happened and know what went down, you can’t say it ain’t true that the cops are always on the prowl for the tuner community, and that just cuz of what happened with TNC, this somehow has resurrected the need for cops to watch over the tuners…wow lol

in certain circumstances, respect is earned…this Heiz character, whoever he may be, sure showed some maturity by having a menopausal moment about this eh?, I’m sure he’s not from TNC just look @ how he took the chance to bash @ us.

i’m not flaming anyone where, i’m giving people like you a wake up call. Explaining how one guy ruined it for everyone does solve the problem. FYI, just cause i’m not praising TNC doesn’t mean i’m flaming. This is exactly the kind of problem I was pointing out. As soon as someone says something not positive, you guys get defensive instead of trying to solve the problem. Had you actually responded to my post intelligently, progress could be made. Zep/LS13 is trying hard to change this by example.

The fact that some fools brought the heat back is a completely valid statement to make. Cops generally don’t pick on tuners unless they spot something going on. I’ve been to several cruises with other clubs (full of modded cars) and never had a problem with the cops.

While his words are harsh, there are truths spoken in those words. Why don’t you spend some time in coming up with a good response rather than insta-brushing it off as random flames without any truth in it?

This “respect is earned” bullshit is the reason stupid people do stupid shit to try and “earn it”. Being the outsider they feel the need to doing something to prove themselves, which lead to the fiasco of Yorkdale. Had the white 300zx didn’t feel the need to “earn respect”, he might not have done what he did.

i got a 240sx and i DONT do stunts to harm the tuner community!! it doesnt matter if the parking lot was full or not, you can still hold a meet there!! Tuners got a bad rep cause of the other stupid people in the GTA!! People do the same stuff with family cars, but nobody sees it as they see the tuners! Our cars look nicer for the most part, more flashy, sounds different etc… thats why we easy to pick on and have the blame put on us!! so dont just blame TNC, cause all communities has there bad apples or just good people making bad descions!!

Not to point fingers, but wouldnt starting a fight or punching out a person cause of online beef at a car meet also be detrimental to a club’s reputation? That also brings heat onto the meet when cops come, sure they could come to keep the peace and break up a fight, but who’s to say what they’ll do when surrounded by modified cars and their drivers?

this is getting out of hand

Very good,

Actually, the parking area is designated for the visiting shoppers/patrons of YD mall. Not for meets…

:hmm 180’s & drifting in an extremely busy mall parking area(s) :hmm
^are these the other ppl from the GTA you speak of?

Hi, I’m sorry i don’t know if this is you or not, are you the guy who owns that white 300zx that was doing drifts or donuts?

If so, im sorry to say you are not welcome to the Vaughan Meets or hangouts.

That place i was talking about is very sacret when it comes to small meets, and some of the people that chill there sometimes are the owners of the shops, and they already have called on security to not allow you.

Now since its their spot they have already sent the word around Vaughan about you and some others, club spots have become alot more stricter and tighter now. And many of them are pissed, because about 3 golf gti’s got ticketed because of what went down on Saturday night, as they were going down hwy 7 to their homes.

I can’t even mention the name of the club, because people don’t want the spotlight anymore.

And im sure if you came there you would be kicked out and greeted with many angry people. Most people including me have seen your car and you with the TNC photos, so its not difficult for anyone to recognize.

anyways bro, just forget about Vaughan Mills you’re not welcome here.

I have noting against you but, if you come there you’ll just be causing fights with others. Which i don’t want, i love my city.

neone is smart enough to say other wise stuff PM me or tell me in person

I wrote this massive post, but somehow it got deleted by me by accident, but to summerize
the guy whos calling evryone idiots, you better not show your face in this club EVER, It wasnt tncs fault what happened THANX TO OTHER CLUBS this happened but w/e


how dare u talk aboutr evryone like that

But god forbid any of the members here will get ANY disrespect from some dumb ****s OVER internet, or any other club honestly god forbid, because im reaallly tired of this, reaading about this from other forums where ppl do even know what hapend but they still talk shit to look all smart welll save it or give me a ring if u have a problem, ITs really sad that my post got deleted somehow but i went into wway more detail on evryones comments on this thread

4167128502 any one have any questions call or add me or if u have a problem with what i say dont be a wise guy over the net Call me

^+1, thank you.

& as for Noodleman, you just don’t get it.
you think all those 350Z guys are mature?..well like you?

I don’t expect an answer from you either…

p.s - I wasn’t referring to you as the one flaming, it was that Heiz character.


i love you you big russian basterd.

lmao :smiley:

I saw a glimpse of your car bro @ that meet
& it was looking pretty clean Fastback_240;)

dude…I totally forgot your name…:o…is it David, Mike…?

What are we exactly not “getting”?

Most of the local owners are quite mature, we act appropriately for the occasion. Although I cannot speak for the newer members…

It wasn’t concerning you bro, it’s all good.:wink:

& your right, majority of the car owners do act mature
and appropriately for the occasion:R
ya I hear ya on that part of the newer members…

these truly are privileges that we’re able to have car meets anywhere near the public,
especially in these times we live in, I just hope the next time nothing like this happens again.

Do u guys seriously believe that cops r gettin hard on us just for 1 guy driftin in yorkdale. its just publicity, to appear to be doing something with our tax dollars. Motorists are always the easiest targets. Its much harder to go after the real crooks. Did u know that Canada is a haven for corporate crime. White collar criminals are left to their deeds while they make more draconian laws for motorists and clamp down on us enthusiasts, who r most often not with the resourses to put up a fight, i.e hire lawyers & court expenses. Furthermore we are hardly united, all other car clubs blame tnc and tnc blame one other nissan300zx. We are all car enthusiasts, yet we r all too subdued by the establishment to challenge this heinous draconian street racing law which can see ur car being impounded, (read ur property seized) for going 50kph over ( a traffic violation). However, what do they do for drunk drivers? Driving without insurance is a criminal offense, gift from the law to benefit those white collar crooks.

Whats a greater risk - speeding or drunk driving, yet the consequences for speeding is higher. Why dont the cops crack down on drunk drivers instead? No they will take a tape measure up our exhaust to see if its freeflow, pop our hood to check for mods etc.

your completely right buddy!!

I actually read an informative article on this,
on the real stats of the truth on how “serious” our street racing epidemic b.s really is compared to other shit that’s really rampant and the law ain’t doing much on that, which matters most and where lives are being lost and are at stake…:mad:

…haha, it happen to be posted on Son240 actually…if only someone could find it again.:S

I entirely agree with Noodleman + RealityZ33 and i dont believe either Red_line or Re Ameyami have a sound argument against Heiz but at the same time i don’t agree with him either.

For all we know, he’s from the accord club cuz we took his corner, but back on track, the shit that went down did damage our rep as a Nissan club and Owners. Not the meet tho, those skylines that decided to go gung ho racing down 7.

Fact of the matter is we have a problem that we cant fix, we need the irresponsible Nissan owners out but since not all of them are part of our boards theres nothing we can really do and being banned from a forum is probably the least damaging thing that could ever happen to them in their life.

You can fight the government all you want, but at the end of the day, the winners will be the seniors and the soccer moms who speed around in minivans or SUVs thinking they’re invincible that will win. owning a tuner car basically stereotyped you the moment you gave the seller the last asking dollar. They see us as a threat based on the actions of a few. Like the saying goes, the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.

In regards to Heiz’s rant. why the hell should we hide what we were doing? is it illegal? last time i checked on the bill of rights and freedoms, we have the freedom of assembly. ON TOP OF THAT we had prior permission to use that lot from mall management and security. ON TOP OF THAT, the admin had talk to and checked in with security numerous times to make sure things were ok and at the end of the night he even confirmed with the police that the meet was fine and that the cops came in regards to a different developing situation. The sole reason we were ASKED to leave was because of the actions of the White 300zx. next time before being a super e-thug, try reading the rest of the posts instead of being self righteous and trying to turn us into scapegoats for your own club’s mistakes.

Driving a modified Nissan is no different than a modified Mazda, Toyota or Honda. We’re all in the same boat, your club’s actions indirectly affect us as well but you don’t see us going to your forums blaming you for whatever. Grow up and accept the responsibility. You can only hide behind your mommy and daddy only for so long.

ok ok this is getting to be abit much.

People blame TNC for alot of stuff, let them think whatever they want. The location that we had it was a great idea. TNC cannot control the stupidity of every driver on the road. you have a mature bunch and you have a imature group that will never change, that is known.

The guy who calls out idiot to everything and everyone is a douche plain and simple. you come on my forum and call out everything your little mind can think off blamming one site for everyones actions. grow up. you dont know us and you havent been on our forums long enough to understand what we do or who we are. You think we are responsible for everyones actions? i think not.
People should know what si right and what is wrong, if they dont what can you do. Not one person who attended our meet being a member of our Club dissrespected the rules whatsoever. Those who had anything to do with the little idiot talent show had heard about or meet off the site. so before you go accusing people make sure you have your facts in place.

Are we also responsible for the idiots driving skylines? or the boxter? or is GTRC responsible or accountable for their actions? i think not, So stop trying to be cool and blame the rest for actions of a few.

And the sexy 350z guys thats nice your meets are great and TNC has always promoted safe driving and i have tried time and time again to stop our meets from getting out of hand. But you can say and try and promote whatever you please but the fact is “will people listen”.

Everyone has to learn some how and sometime. And till that day comes there is nothing really one can do.

We are still in good standing with the mall managment and security as they know we had nothing to do with it… and a long letter of apology. i also chatted with a few officers at yorkdale and its not what everyone thinks. They are fine with TNC and have nothing against us. it was a car meet that got out of hand because of a few idiots that is it.

Our future meets will be organized properly and the police will be told of our meetings, Thats if they get to big and they are more than welcome to stop by and make sure everything is ok. As a club we encourage the police to attend so they can see not all of us are imature children. nothing wrong with that. if anything it is a good thing and will help us in the long run… and they will not bother us or try to tag us leaving the meets SO DONT WORRY…

So guys keep your cool, dont get mad when people voice an opinion everyone has a right to, if you disagree be mature about it and think of your response before posting it.

and again thank you to all those who came out and respected our rules. i really appreciate it and it shows most people can be mature and have fun without doing stupid stunts and putting people in parking lots in danger.
( Specially at that time of night when people are leaving the mall with kids. honestly i dont understand how people have no respect for others.)

and akuma you explained it nicley thanx
I talked to security countles times and the police cruiser and all was going great .

hear hear! ^^ zep whens the next meet? :smiley: