Yes, I agree too, I guess the rumours about young drivers is false, maturity goes out the window when someone is behind a fast car.

and that they missed rule number 1.

Don’t drive fast if you don’t know the city inside out.

yes, I also got a tip from a friend whose friend is a … to not go to CG, York dale, and few other spots.

I have to say this is nothing new, but they watched them, then followed them, then led them on with the black truck to go faster. ouch. can’t say much except, wrong place at the wrong time, in a wrong car.

They confuse an organized meet as something else. its a meet and a chill place, they think everyone is out to race that is the error. but nothing you can do poloce will be police and think whatever they want.

Next TNc meet will be in private property with a note from the owner, so they wont be able to do anything. But they can tag you if they want once you leave so please guys dont do anything stupid. thats for the few who cant be mature. but will be fun.

This one? (ok, I seriously need to stop asking that) lol, I took a lot of pics, not just the Nissans.

sick cars guys.

CG is often patrolled and watched on weekends. The regulars knew it would happen so the familiar ones just sat and waited out the stakeouts. I didnt leave till 3 or 4ish anyways, and by then not a single cop, tahoe, malibu, charger, or crownvic on the road.

TRY HAVING A WHITE 300zx, i dont know what your worried about :{

^,I never though of that, very true, I feel bad for you guys because due to the actions of one person you have to suffer, that is wrong.

I didn’t think of the heat it would cause for guys with the same type of vehicle.

The bad part about all this is that its all over the news, you tube, and almost every Canadian car forum because of the hwy7 bust, that has lead many of the car clubs to falsely associate the TNC meet to it, as many people are saying those skylines were heading to the TNC meet, while to make things worse another NISSAN, although not a member, caused the TNC meet to get shut down.

Bad time for Nissan, the best thing would be to keep it small from now on and not cause anymore publicity. I surely love skylines and it’s sad that I will not get to see more of them now, but its best that people lay low and very quiet.

We all learn from our mistakes, and I hope the person’s who caused this unnecessary heat have learned their lesson, I would love to rip it down hwy 7 and others alike, but I have learned to live by the rules even though I completely disagree with them, its unfortunate but true, we can never win, cops always do. The only way to win, is to let the other person think, they’re winning.

Ok ok guys I talked to Rick of course and KC comes to mind, why? Not enough room to do stupid shit. It’s perfect! The only problem is we would take up the whole area. Vaughen Mills would be WAY to bait unless you find a nice spot and good hook ups.

agree with you, although you guys should definately try the BACK side of Vaughan mills, its away from homes and next to the freeway, so if anyone does act up, its more likely that you guys could difuse the situation before any cops come around.

its all up to you guys.

best of luck.

no worries. the next meet will be nice hope all those who came come again to this one. just no stupid stunts like at yorkdale. and everything will be fine. ill also try and talk to the local police at the station and let them no its not a “Racing thing” because tehy might confuse something good with something bad. and on tnc most are against street racing so lets promote that and give us a good name.

so dont get scared people next meet iwll be fine!

i’ll be there!

Personally I still stand by having an officer there because its one thing to have an organized meet that they’re aware of. its another for them to actually be there watching out for the stupid ones of us who lack self control.

I’m not saying that we’re not mature enough to hold a meet without an officer watching us but id rather a cop be there watching and letting us go than a cop chasing us all down one by one asking us what we’re doing.

If you REALLY want to curb the negative PR that Nissans have received, have a news crew there too, make it big and known. Elevate it into public view that not all car meets are for street racing and to some of us, its just a passion for cars. If you do that, maybe Yorkdale Management would even allow us back there. Not saying all of them but just cause a bunch of skyline drivers made an ass of themselves doesn’t mean we should hide in the shadows more, if anything we should make ourselves known that we don’t support street racing/stunting and we’re a mature organized car club dedicated to Nissans

If i recall (and one of the subie guys can confirm this for me) TSC make a video with York Regional Police on curbing street racing. Maybe its time to make this club more publicly responsible and do the same.

There, thats my 2 Cents on this

^having a news crew would be a good idea. gives the public a general idea what meets are all about, provided that no one does anything stupid in front of the camera.

Yeah but the news won’t air something like that. They’re always out to make the worst news more extravagant. They’re not gonna air a clip that’s summed up in a few words:

“Well, here we are. We’ve been here for a few hours and… nothings happened”

Sure they could throw in a couple shots saying how we’re mild mannered, but they won’t because it doesn’t win the viewers from the other news companies.

I can’t tell you how many times I go into work and hear someone say, “Holy Shit, can you imagine how bad the world is getting right now??”

No one will ever say, “Holy shit, can you imagine that these so called street racers ARE NOT REALLY STREET RACERS???”

Wow haven’t been around in awhile. I guess the release prooves it is not only young drivers as some older tuners tend to target for this.

the back of vaughanmills isn’t to bad and it would make a nice area to take nice pics, if u guys would like dis area ill make the effort along anyone else that would want to join me in talking to the security about the meet. msg back on what you guys think?!

i know like 4 guys that work there i am prety sure i can talk to them no problem what so ever just PM me if anything

To TNC, thanks for ****ing shit up for the rest of the car community.

  1. you guys are idiots to meet at CG during busy hours
  2. you guys are idiots to even be on HWY 7 where it’s cop infested
  3. you guys are idiots to hold your largest meet of appx 70 cars there
  4. you guys are idiots for going to yorkdale after to cause more shit (drifting?)
  5. you guys are idiots to move to Home Depot lot after
  6. knowing most of you guys drive shit box 240 wannabe drifters with only a handful of decent people (even your own members say), you hold a meet at a busy garage??

Just want to let you guys know, have a ****ing conscience, as if the modified car community isn’t suffering enough, you guys don’t even think and pull off some stupid ass shit.

Your meet was busted before you guys even went. The location and time already had you guys nailed, regardless off that white 300zx, if it wasn’t him, it’d be someone else.

You guys are the laughing stock, everyone knows. Good job.

Again, thanks for making things worse for us. As if cops care if it’s a nissan or not, now we’re all targets all over again.

Feel sorry for the right minded Nissan owners as well at TNC but the organizer gots some thinking to do


who are you?..

^ noob, please…go have a senseless & stupid rant somewhere else.

it doesn’t matter you goof (in the nicest of ways) we’ll always be targets, you think the cops just suddenly forgot about the tuner community before something like this happened? haha which hole have you been hiding?

mistakes happen in planning and stuff, don’t get your panties in a twist.