Blind people ....

im in lockwood finishing up some homework right now… made the trip to take a leak real quickkkk…

on the way back i saw a blind chick run into a table…

i had to juke left then right to get around her

true story

i would like to say “dude cmon not funny its not her fault”
but then i find myself visualizing that and i laugh,alot

my brother saw a blind kid riding a bike

then the blind kid crashed.

when he tells the story, it’s fucking awesome.

Does anybody else remember the Lockwood Masturbator?

RWB,isnt that illegal

about a month ago downtown I saw two blind people (canes, sunglasses ect) helping each other cross the street…

I just scratched my head and thought “no shit, the blind leading the blind”

when i went to canisius there was this blind dude in a couple of my classes… there was this one reallllll uggggllyy bitch that helped him get around. i guess people who dormed close to them heard them effing all the time.

i guess thats not a bad thing to be blind in that situation

do tell :mamoru:

lol i still think ever vling person should get there own midget


that gave me a good laugh

i went to summer school at frontier and there was some kid in my class that had no eyes.
like no fucking eyes.he also felt the need to not where eye “patches” so i could glance at his brain any time i felt the need.

IIRC there was something in the Generation about some dude who would JO into books or something in Lockwood. Ca. 2002?

Found it!


but he could see OK

being blind would have its advantages i guess with girls… if shes skinny its game pretty much

but everything else would suck

There it is. I’m going to be a blind guy for halloween and accidentally feel up women all night! :pedo:

but what about the fact you can see the STD’s

They say that when you go blind your other senses heighten to compensate, so I’m sure you could smell the fatties. “No bitch, you smell like bacon and cookies.”

ha i loled

2 questions:

  1. whats a blind man masterbate to if they were born blind and never seen a women?

  2. How do they know when to quit wiping?