Prius.... the silent killer

its wrong, but i laughed, esp at the blind part… .im going to hell

ok simple solution…LOOK BOTH FUCKING WAYS BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO CROSS THE FUCKING STREET! jesus christ, what have parents been telling kids since they were what? like 5 years old, look both ways before you cross the street…good god…i can see something for the blind people, but heres an interesting idea…you drive a “hybrid” thats quiet and you see someone walking with a goofy look on their face and a cane (clearly showing that they are in fact blind) give the horn a honk or two to let em know your there…fuck its bad enough you gotta take extra precautions to save the tards of the world, but to make “quieter” cars make noises so blind folk and pure retards can hear em? fuck-ing stupid! its called darwinism…the morons of the world get killed off because they dont deserve to live, and if they do live, it’ll teach em to look both ways…the little kid in the video said it best “look both ways before you go biking” or w/e it was he was mumbling about :rant: ok im done…

fuck helping retards of the world so they can live another few months!

EDIT: and the “retards of the world” was not directed towards the blind, they cant help it…i dont want people to think im that hateful that im now taking it out on the visually challenged lol

Easy solution…Don’t be a retard when you are a Pedestrian…Be accountable for your own safety.

Common Sense: If you lack it or you were too stupid to teach it to your kids… blame something else

It’s the new American standard. If you’re a dumb fuck and get hurt…its always someone else’s fault…never your own.

Muhahaha if we only ran this cuntry.