Pay attention.....

you speed people die. they should show this here

I remember when that came out. 1 of the worst videos I have ever seen. But to the point.

interesting watch

pretty sad too. i remember the girl getting crushed with her boyfriend and at the end it shows her in a wheel chair.

edit: here it is

And just because killing people wasn’t a big enough of a reason not to speed, they end it with people thinking you have a little dick as well.

lol at the kid texting hi to the girl, he steped out into THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD IN FRONT OF A VAN. Of course you’re going to get hit by the vehicle if you do that :picard:

3:20-3:40 HAHAHAHA

this sucked studderin i hate you for putting it up

I’d just hit the dog, seems like a smart option.

some of those, it’s the pedestrians fault… If you are going to cross a road, look both ways and analyze what’s going to happen.
If you hit a little kid when he runs in the road chasing a ball, well, shame on him, he should have listened to his parents and looked both ways.
On a different note, this video is terrible, they should show it to every 16 year old kid at the 5 hr class.
I cringe when I see kids leaving high school and flying down the side streets.

That’s the point. This one is not so much targeted at drivers, but at pedestrians. Look both ways, fool!

saw this on another forum. thats fucked up!