Life Lessons: Surviving Near Death (Video)

First the background.

Myself along with 5 other friends, 3 of which participated in the making of this video, were involved in a car accident. My friend Andy took his parents car at the age of 16 and we went out driving the last night before school started.

We were speeding down a rode that we did not know and were involved in a pretty serious car accident.

The video will tell the rest. Video was made by my friend Drew for one of his video editing classes.

you were one of THOSE idiots?

howd that feel?

Yeah I was. I was in pain for like 2-3 weeks straight after it happened. I look back on it and realize how stupid it was. We shouldn’t have been speeding.

D’oh. :banghead:

so whos brains were on the road?

No ones. It was just blood or something.

SPEEDING? That’s what you thought caused your accident? No, being wreckless idiots who should not have been on the road caused your accident.

How about try something along the lines of, “We shouldn’t have been driving around, because it was illegal and we had probably a month or two under our belts and we were blasting music really loud and not paying attention at four in the morning on a country road.”

glad you were okay though.

We all do dumb shit. I have done dumb shit, i admit it. The important thing is to LEARN from it. I too had a accident with 4 people in my car. I built a very high HP car for my age, but had zero driving experiance. The car was on the road for 3 days before it was burried in a ditch due to my lack of experiance.

First rule of driving: Burnouts terminate at 34 MPH, cause at 35 most humans can’t react fast enough when it gets really really out of shape.

that sucks what should i do when i hit the bottle at 70 and they break loose? hang my car keys up?..

Everyone does some dumb shit at some point. You just have to hope that its not bad enough to kill you, so that you can learn from it and go on with your life.


Also, the garage scene reminds me of that 70’s show.

we all do something really stupid in our lives but…

you guys a lucky as fuck to make it out alive

Stupid Shit But Glad Everyone was ok.
BTW did everyone go to alden but Kristen and Andy?
I know Her personally and never knew this happened.

Yup, that is what I did when they broke loose at 100 lol

Did everyone that was in the wreck show in the vid? I don’t think I noticed 6 ppl.

First, that was a terribly edited video.
Second Savage’s “Swing” came out in 2005.
Third, I’m not sure why all of you were smiling about the incident on camera. If I had almost killed 5 of my friends I probably wouldn’t be smirking.
Fourth, Speed either costs money or costs lives…doesn’t seem worth it to me.

wow, you guys aged well.

We all do stupid shit, if you live hopefully you are smarter at that point. Crazy shit, lucky bunch as well.

Looks like it hurt.

saturn vue’s can get to 100??

