For the younger members....

Before you read through the following, stop and think. Think about what your friends and family would do if you were suddenly gone. No you may not drive an M5, and you’re probably thinking you’ve heard of people walking away from crashes. The reality is you’re not indestructible, and neither are the people around you.

As one of the older members of the board, I can say yeah…I’ve done some STUPID shit. I’ve been there, and not given crashing a second thought, but the fact is you can die going 30, you can die going 200, and anywhere in between. Do you really wanna put your family and friends through that?

No to mention the potential of an innocent bystander, or your passengers like in this case.

Here’s the story and the slideshow; not because I have some weird morbid fixation, but so you guys can see what you’ll look like next time you put your foot down.

the story:

the slideshow:

the thread on M5board:…=111454&page=2

is it just me or do none of the thinks work…

wtf…yeah ur right…one sec

LMFAO, wow im gonna really think to put my foot down on the pedal, as i will get a error 404 or something LMFAO

re-copy and pasted…weird…anyway…and dj…i suspect you’re one of the younger ones…am i right?

Wow, i just read the entire thread, read the news post, and watched the slideshow…while i was readind i was thinking about how they kept asking for him to post…and nothing…

Truely tragic…

Stupidity like this happens everyday. A 400whp SR’d 240 could have the same thing can happen with someone inexperienced behind the wheel. I bet they’ll blame the owner for building the runway or the lack of gate, no wait blame the dad for owning an M5. The fact is the kid was stupid and made a mistake unfortunately not only did it cost him his life but 3 other people as well.

I think the underlying issue here is that there are some risks to take and others not to. Sure making a high speed pass at 3am in the morning on the 401 is stupid but doing it at 2pm with the road being wet is asking for an incident.

Furthermore, this is a reminder for all you young guns that want 300-500hp car to show off in. Dont do it. Learn how to drive a car with 250hp then as you mature step up.

couldnt have said it better myself.

and he took 4 of his friends with him…

Its crazy cause just a few hours before he was on the M5 board trying to figure out the traction control and M-mode sequence for the car. And one guy called it saying he didn’t want to share the roads with him and the kid countered by saying he would never do anything “stupid or endanger anyones life.”

Anyway, his parents should be ashamed for allowing that to happen. I’ve driven that car and its a handful and this kid talked as if he knew nothing. You figure if you can drop the dimes for a car like that you can certainly afford BMW Driver Training classes too. But that would be too logical.

That will be some lawsuit to follow.

I dont think the parents are to blame here. YOu cant keep track of your kids 100%. He probably said he was going to his friends around the block in this gated upscale community, Im sure the dad would have never imagined his son taking his car on a runway! Or he didnt even ask and took the car anyways.

That is to much to start with itself. I started with an S14 and a 200hp skyline after was a huge jump. I gotta learn to take it easy. Driving my non boosted S14 was easy after 1st I can floor it no worries, with the skyline well I cant…Friends think its cool but I promised my best friends I would never drift/speed with them in the car, they think im a pussy but well…I don’t want this to happen.

hmm, i wonder what id do with all that HP.

holy crap, sailed 200 feet in the air, and smoked a tree 15 feet off the ground. Dude was literally flying!
Personally i believe everyone has been warned and know the dangers so im not one to warn people, it just becomes a problem when people ignore common sense.

I’m all for people pushing the limits, but its commonsense that tells u when to stop, but alot of people loose that when they r with a group of friends… sad

maybe i’m different.
I was a witness to a tragic accident in the workplace a couple weeks ago when a forklift fell on a co-worker here in cambridge. It was a HUGE reality check. You don’t have to be doing anythign wrong to die. You can be here one second and gone the next.

there’s reasons we have laws and speed limits, it’s to prevent that one second from happening. But even at t he speed limit it can still happen.

I posted this with the purpose of MAYBE showing one kid that they aren’t indestructible. This shit happens, it can happen in an M5, and it can happen in a stock 240…don;t be stupid…its totally preventable…

The parents are ATLEAST 90% to blame for this, they raised the kid they should know him better then he knows himself at 18. Handing over the keys of 500whp to a kid who sounds very clueless on driving let alone driving a high hp car. Very poor judgement on the parents part for this one. Also if he was raised right he probably would have made a better judgement call at the time and decided NOT to go 200kmph on a private air strip.

glad to hear it Tom…

I got hit pretty hard when PC passed to bro. Not his fault at all, made me think of some of the shit I did in that S14 that coulda taken my life.

it’s easy to place the blame on the parents and chaulk it up to “he’s a product of his environment”…but yeah giving a kid a 500bhp car is probably not the best idea…but in the end, HE broke into the airport, HE was behind the wheel, and HE made the deicsions…at 18 you canthink for yourself, and yes it’s your parents job to guide you…but they canhardly be blamed for all his decisions…next tiem you’re caught speeding you gonna blame it on your mom?

it was all around stupid…and could’ve easily been avoided…just hope mayeb reading about it will wake some of the younger kids up…

Big differance between a speeding ticket and killing 4 friends after breaking into an air strip.