blitz gauges - update

bnought some blitz racing gauges from mark

im a newb when it comes to wiring. so i was wondering if anyone can fill me in as to which wire are what. ie - black = ground.

the gauges are the following - egt, water temp, and oil temp

each one has a black, yellow, red, and brown coloured wire.

anybody have any idea’s?

i searched online for the instirctions but came up short.

thanks guys

hey man, im not 100% sure but this is what happens often with JDM gauges…

black/yellow -specific for each gauge, usually go to the designated sensor…

red- power

brown/green - ususally ground, or they will be refered to as " earth" by some asian install manuals…
hope that helps !

thanks varun

now i just gotta figure out what the black and yellow go to

anyone have any ideas?

i couldnt find an exlcusive website for blitz racing. if i can find one then i can try emailing them my question.

only sites i fuond were for blitz parts dealers.

anyone know the site?

Check the back of the gauge to see what it says for each lead?

For example, on the Autometer gauges, on the back it will show “I”, “Gnd”, “S”

I = Ignition (12v switch)
Gnd = Ground
S = signal

thanks gonad

all the wires are hooked up to a harness that plugs into the back of the gauge.

to find these codes, do i just pull the wire from the harness?

or am i looking somewhere else, i dont want to damage the harness connection in any way.

and one more questions guys, for the water temp and oil temp sensors, they run two wires, one white and one red?

again, any ideas for these two?

ill post pics tonight hopefully, if not tommarow.

good luck getting info from blitz (UK-FYI) I tried to get info for my turbo timer, and they basically said “how can they be sure they are not helping the black market of stolen parts”

I offered to send photos, and lengthy explaination that it was in teh glove box of my 1/2 cut etc. but they wouldn’t help…

damn them

hmm, well hopefully when G gets back to me, we can figure it out.

wheres G at?

Some guages have a wire for a dimmer, if you don’t want to go through the wiring to do the dimmer you can just splice the dimmer wire into the power wire and then run them to a dedicated power source. I don’t know much about the blitz guages so I dunno if this would apply here.

so i just got off the phone with blitz usa and he suggested connecting black to ground, red to power, and yellow to another constant power light radio, he seems to think the yellow is for backlight.

this still leaves the brown which he had no idea about.

he was saying he wasnt sure because blitz usa never issued the gauges i have.

any more input?

Wouldn’t brown go to the sensor then? Since the 3 he told you about don’t include the sensor.

and which sensors would i be using?

i just looked at an ecu diagram for my motor and didnt see anything that caught the eye.