Blow in Insulation

I am looking for reputable companies that do blow in insulation/foam.

I have a third bedroom that I am prepping to become the baby room.

There is crawlspace that can be accessed from the basement.

I am looking for the installation of a vapor barrier to the crawlspace floor and foam insulation for the crawlspace and rim-joist area.


  • I have already received a quote from Ivy Lea Construction.

Call John @ Energsmart. 716-864-8143, Tell him Rob from The Walsh Group sent you. Honest, trustworthy guys that the job right the first time. Although, I think Ivy Lea might use these guys…

Your uncle doesn’t do insulation?

Wow, didn’t expect a zing from you since I thought you were professional. Maybe this changed since you are no longer your own boss and have thrown customer service out the door. I apologize that you didn’t get the job but also appreciated your time and estimate. Just as you stated after I informed you, you can’t compete when a family member would do the job and teach me how to do that type of work.

In the end, he doesn’t do insulation.

      • Updated - - -

Thanks, I will give him a call.

Let’s get a couple things straight here. All my customers were thrilled with my “customer service” and were heartbroken when they heard I was no longer on my own. The reality is that they didn’t call me out to look at a job (which I did and drove out, on a Sunday, from Hamburg to Tonawanda was it?) just to price check me against a family member. If you had told me that when we first spoke, I would’ve told you that I wouldn’t waste my time going out there if I knew your uncle was capable of doing the work. Business owner’s can’t afford to work for people when there’s no profit involved and unless your uncle was charging you going rate for the work, he’s going to do it for cost of materials. I was professional enough not to lay into you when you told me that upon my follow up call.

Before you start casting aspersions about my character and my business ethics, perhaps we could ask the other members on here, who are business owners, and see how they feel about being used as a “price check” or taking their valuable time away from their families for instances like this. I have done work for some members on here and you can feel free to ask them how their experiences were with my “customer service”.

If we want to continue to go back and forth pointing fingers, lets go to Private Messages. I really thought your were a classy stand up guy when I met you in person. At the end of the day, I am the consumer/customer and I get to decide what route I want to go with regardless if I went with you, my father in law, or another route. I could have lied to you and said another contractor was going to do the same job at a cheaper rate. Would you have preferred me to be honest, lie straight to your face, or never contact you? I chose the way I would prefer to be communicated with and honesty is the way I go. Your previous job/career required you to make those trips to make money, its not like you can work from home and still get paid, unless your side job was a spammer from Nigeria. Your zing today demonstrates that your customer service only works with paying customers and you would have probably never done any business with me in the future due to my honest response I provided you with. I guess your previous “career” as a business owner didn’t involve “care”(er).

I’m confused you got a quote

Decided to have family do it

Now you’re getting another quote?


I received a quote for plaster work for the upper apartment walls and ceiling. The quote also included installing drywall in a bedroom and making a closet. This was from Nov. of 2012. This information I am requesting now has nothing to do with that job.

      • Updated - - -

This went down because I was looking to help family members that went through a bad divorce and had no where to go due to their house being sold (part of divorce). I had 2 sister in laws and a mother in law move upstairs. I wanted to make the upstairs more presentable. I didn’t talk to my father in law until after I received the quote from you and other contractors. I told my father in law the quotes I received and he felt bad since I was just place in remission 3 months prior and had to use a lot of my money to pay medical bills for chemo and radiation. He decided that it would be better to save my money and assist him with the job and use the manual work as a way to rebuild my strength. So in the end, this was the same father in law that went through the divorce and performed the renovation work for me.

You are making assumptions about playing games. I don’t play games and I wouldn’t be where I am today if I wasted individuals time. Your analogy of shoplifting not being a crime doesn’t make sense. I was paying for a service and was not paying for goods (merchandise). I saw your work that you were producing in your Arrow Enterprise thread and even complimented you on the finished jobs. I have used this site for many home improvement leads and opinions. I have also done the same when members were looking for services to get done (roofing, plumbing, etc.).

You are correct, I am not expert in your field just like your not an expert in my trade/occupation. We are different but I never expected that you would still hold a grudge over a decision that was benefiting myself over you, which dated back to almost 1.5 years ago. Again, I apologize for wasting your time and I hope you can overcome this past event and maybe someday we can laugh it over at a NYSpeed event or you can understand why I chose the family path over the contractor route.

I hate blown insulation. Those that get it done are terrible terrible people lol

1QIKZ is always bitching about people wasting his time with quotes its come up in other threads.

Thanks for the contact Rob. I will need to get my Kitchen blown in a few months.

I understand your situation (family wise). At the time there’s a possibility I didn’t understand the dynamics of what was going on with your end. When you put the kind of time and effort I did into a business, your time becomes one of the things that is most valuable to you because your personal / family time is almost non-existant. I had to deal with many people who were just making sure they had a family member who wasn’t overcharging them and it just felt like yours was more of the same. If things truly went the way you state, then my anger was misdirected. And yes, I can be a “grudge banker”. Working on it.

Why don’t you just keep your nose in front of your computer and out of my shit, Kaptain Keyboard.

I totally understand your point of how your time is very valuable to your career, personal, and family life. I used to be a grudge banker but sometimes it takes a life event to realize a previous personality trait was a non-desired one. I am happy you are working on it

@BOBBYGRV - Thanks for the info - they are coming next week to give a quote.