Thought I would share some of the work I did upstairs in my house. Some of the pictures are repeats, but whatever.
Before I moved in
After :spank:
and even later
Thought I would share some of the work I did upstairs in my house. Some of the pictures are repeats, but whatever.
Before I moved in
Here are some more pics of the upstairs progress…
This is the same angle as the others, but with the Foam insulation (worth every dime BTW)
and more
Time for some drywall in what will be the Master bedroom side
and again around the room
I decided to make the closet that was 32" x 32" at the top of the stairs a little bit bigger.
Time for some pimer, then paint on those walls. As you can tell by the carpet, I moved the wall over a little bit to give me more room upstairs.
and then paint…
Here you can tell once again by the carpet, that I removed a closet on the side wall. I figured with the new walk in closet I would have enough room up there.
Here is what things look like today, Almost all done, I have a few little unfinished items to get to.
That same angle one more time! :mrgreen:
Someone wanted to be in the picture…
As you can see, no wires for my TV, and the cable box is in that little cubby to the right
Top of the stairs, I re used the existing door, but made my own frame for it.
I hate how work blocks pictures!!!
So it’s all done I take it?
real nice X. I’d love to have that as my master bedroom. Did you do all the work?
nice job. looks damn good!
how long did this take you
:tup: nice work. What was your time frame for all of that?
looks nice man.
wow great work! :tup:
I can’t wait to get a house and let the house modding begin lol
Sweet. :tup:
looks super good…i love the colors
very niceeeeeee :tup:
Thanks guys. I did it over the course of about 10 months. The only work I couldn’t do is the Foam insulation, and the carpet.
much improved!! , but I really hate rooms that have the ceiling cut into them… feels claustrophobic.
X does good work
That is fuckin awesome, I cant wait to have my own place to do this kinda stuff. :tup: and awesome dog.
how much was the foam?
dont ask