My Winter Build (not a Car) UPDATE 11/24** ♪DONE♪**More Pics

So I really do not have any automobile projects this winter, been to busy with my house I bought last July. I have a perfect attic that is screaming to be finished, so I bought all the shit to do it a few months ago. I bought 30 sheets of 3/8 drywall, 20 2X4X10’s, 25lb bucket of drywall screws, tape, 5 gals. mud, 18 rolls insulation, 6 recessed lights, 6 outlets, baffles for under insulation, soffit vents, 5 gals. of drywall primer, 3 gals. beige paint, and a few small other things I cant think of right now. I still need 4 windows, and electric sub panel, range wire, and 15 amp breaker, and 30 amp breakers.

Anyway, started it tonight by taking all the extra blow insulation out of the soffits. What a pain in the ass. Messy as fuck. Now I have three big bags of the shit and don’t know hat to do with it. Next I have to drill from outside and put the soffit vents in.

I plane on updating this all the way through till the end. This is my first time doing this shit, I am basically doing on my own and learning as I go. Cant be to hard. We will see.

nice, my friend has that exact attic, he lives in south buffalo near south legion.


Good luck

^ Is his finished? I would like to see some pics if so.

you have alot of work on your hands there, ecspecially if your going to do it the right way

Lots of work, but should be worth it in the end.

Clean it all up; insulate it; vapor-barrier it; then drywall… then the mudding (fucking pain in the ass) part. Everything is easy IMO except finishing drywall. I HATE that crap… I can do electrical/plumbing/insulating/hanging-drywall anytime; but mudding/sanding I CAN’T STAND…


Thats the part I like personally. I love fucking with fiberglass and bondo. I made some great fiberglass enclosures back in the day.

PS. So you will be over to help then? LOL

sanding sux!!! gets in your eyes, nose, it ecspecially sucks if its hot out and your sweating your ass off

Oh I ve done it before, I remodeled my dads kitchen. Not toooo worried about the drywall, it just has some crazy angles to deal with.

if you want it looking halfway decent its not super bad but if you want it perfect like most customers want its a pita making every little spot perfect

ive done quite a bit of drywall i hate it, thats why i work on cars its something i like

True, its my house I have all the time I need. Not really in a hurry. I do have to finish it before my wedding in July though. I have a lot of people coming from out of town so I’m gonna need the extra room.

raise the roof and get rid of all those weird roof angles thats what we did at my house looks ten times better. also you will have a lot more room and is prob easier to rip that old roof off and build a new one it was for me and my dad.

^ In about 5 years when the roof needs a tear off I will.

Thats what we did at the house my cousin bought down the road. It had a small upstairs with slanted sides. we completely tore it all off and rebuilt it and gained huge amounts of space. it went from a 1 bedroom and 2 small closets to 2 big rooms, bath and 2 closets.we also completely gutted the entire house and are in the process of finishing it. if you ever need any extensive work like that done and you dont plan on doing it yourself let me know, ill put you in touch with the right people and get you a deal, same goes for roofing, landscaping, and plumbing

i drew a little pic there what you have is called a half dormer. wht we did is turned our roof into a full dormer like i drew in the pic. all you need is some cash and bout 5-6 guys and t only takes a couple of week. cause trust 5 years from now you will be kicking yourself for not doing it early. and if you do decide to do this i do know a liittle about wht i am doin so i will help.

But if you dont do it i would replace those windows and not with vinyl replacements.

ha you could have had it worse imagine having to clean up all the drywall and insulation, me and one buddy did that before, my cousin gutted it and was doign what you want to do to the roof and our job was to throw all the shit into a dumpster below out the window then bag all the rest up, nasty messy work that was. imagine all that old insulation how itchy and irritating that can be. made some good$ and it took us a good 8 hours of non stop work

I already thought about that, in 5 years I will do it. Like I said I have many household projects going on. I need to put french doors off the dining room and a deck in the spring first.

I know everyone, I know at least one or two people in every trade of the buisness. I can get almost anything I need done for nothing. Its who you know, not what ya know. Thanks though I do appreciate it.

What would you suggest then? I was gonna order some double hung vinyl and slap them in there.

Nice project. My grandmothers old house in South buffalo had an identical attic as well.

where in south buffalo?