Upstairs remodel project

So after remodeling the upstairs of my last house, I sold it and moved in with my (now) wife. The upstairs of her house sucked too, so back at it again. UGH.

The house is a 50’s cape with the stairs going up the middle of the house dividing the space roughly in half. The East side of the house had a hallway in the middle with a small closet on the one side and a dromer off the other that had a shitty bathroom. It was so ugly up there that I demo’d it before I even took pictures.


This is where this begins.

See the tile on the floor, that was the outline to the hallway and closet.

Bringing up the heat (did a return too)


From the other direction

Missing a few pictures in between here, but this is roughly how it turned out.

looks great

must feel great to see it all finished

As you may notice by the final pictures there were more parts to this.

So the bathroom

After it was gutted, the bathroom shower base

Installed unit

Green board

Bathroom almost done

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

Part 2

Attic Full of Crap with corkboard walls

Make room for the crap in the basement.

Ready for some work


More demo

Now lets get a little crazy with the power tools

A week before my wedding (the now Wife loved this) LOL

Jeller brought his Daughter over to supervise

All sealed up

Outside done

Looks like Gordon St was a perfect practice run for this project. Looks good. :tup:

nice work!

Starting to divide the upstairs space into 2 rooms (on that side) Basically a landing that will be an office, and then another bedroom

Threw up some drywall and a door

Another angle of the room

Drywall sucks



Part 3.

This shit is getting old… when will I be done.

Extra storage for stuff in here


Put up drywall before closing it up

Another angle

Frame in a closet

Insulate and plywood strips to hold back the insulation (I did this on the whole upstairs)

Lights for the new dormer

Greenboard. The guy at 84 lumber fucked up, I paid for drywall, they loaded greenboard. I was too tired to argue and just put it up

All coming together You can see here how the 3 rooms connect.



Underlayment for the floor


Sorry for the shitty pictures, but they were all from my phone as I was working.

All in all I am happy with it. However knowing me I’ll pound the sign in the front yard and not even really enjoy it. LOL


Looks sweet. After finishing two attic spaces, you should be more than ready to throw down on mine. :wink:

Looks awesome for sure. You did a very nice job on this :tup:

Anything but drywall, that part sucked. LOL


Not a bad deal with the greenboard. Work looks awesome!

Wow. You do some awesome work. How long did this all take?

That’s a great transformation. How hard was adding the Dormer?

Next time you do one call me up…and I will sit there and drink beer while heckling everyone around.

Oh and :tup: looks super legit

xander youre a magician, how much is the rent up there :wink:

About a year or so, but I had other projects in the meantime. The frist part took almost a year, the second and third were inside 6 months.

It’s not really that difficult, however I did have one of our carpenters from work do the roofing and siding. (Didn’t want to fall of the roof LOL)

I can’t watch someone drink beer without joining in. (I have a problem, I know) I feel like very little work would get done.

Thanks, and who knows I might sell the place.


Very nice Xander. Looks awesome.

turned out great man
