My Winter Build (not a Car) UPDATE 11/24** ♪DONE♪**More Pics

Norman ave.

i’ll be doing this in the spring… i don’t like working in the cold :stuck_out_tongue:

That attic looks great!

And admittedly, throughout this whole thread all i could think of was Busta Rhymes sayin “Tear the roof off!”

classic party attic

good ol buff

well if you are serious about redoing that attic in a couple of years. I was going to tell you to buy the full frame windows to put in there because all vinyl replacements do is bolt right to your old frame. After thinking about it again that would be a waste of money. wht i would do is replace or fix the parts of the frame that dont look so good to insure no air leaks. Then because vinyl replacements are cheapier than the other windows through those in there but make sure insulated properly. The only reason i would do this is because if you really rip that attic apart then you have to tear that nice expenisve framed window down and you could reuse it but you may want to go in a different direction for redoin that attic. Its up to you on wht you want to do and both windows are good choices but those vinyls are cheapier and will last you until you redo that attic.

I’ll help ya out with, for a trade for help/ help with deals with some of my home projects this summer. Got a couple windows to replace, a room to tear-apart and rebuild, and a complete roof to put on the garage.

Send me a PM, I’d be more than willing to shoot over during the evenings and spend a couple hours doing the non-drywall sanding stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Well. almost finished with my dads kitchen so I decided to bust a little out in my attic. Here are a few pics.

Nice progress!

:tup: to updates.

Ya a friend of mine has an identical attic, and from what I can tell identical house also… Id like to see what it looks like when its all done so I can show him his possibilities…

my friend said he would hand the drywall, thats his job doing drywall.
(hes not some hack who just says they can do it)
He said get the messurements.

I might have a job for him this summer, I HATE drywall. Just one 9x10 room.

:tup: progress.

I too hate mud/sand. I’ve been slacking on that on two small projects here.

A little more done today. I am not very good at framing but I gave it my best, almost done on this built in wall shelf.

big dogs guy… looking good…what are your plans for the floor?

you should have took the 2x4’s to the roof and cut the 2x4’s at an angle. wht are you going to use for the shelves on this.

nothing it will a big open box with a plug and cable access for a stereo and hd cable box for my big screen I’m putting up there.

:tup: Becoming more and more my style of project :wink:

not bad man, i love doing home improvements.

I was thinking maybe Bamboo or a nice berber carpet. I might go with carpet to keep the warmth in in the winter. My buddy does carpet so it will be very cheap.

If that “box” is for the Cable box and stuff like that, where is the TV going? It doesn’t look like there is any room above it.
