Moving soon and need to not have as many things as I have.
Everything is located in 12095 NY
-JDM ITR shortblock(needs to be bored) - $347
-JDM ITR rods w/ARP rodbolts(pistons still attached 3 pistons are good - 1 is bad) - $168shipped
-JDM ITR crank - $303
-JDM ITR valvecover(cut for camgears) - $123shipped
-Mugen 2layer headgasket(4kmiles) - $50shipped
-P2R 70mm tb gasket - $12shipped
-ARP headstuds(4k miles) - SOLD TO dravesef
-Crower stage3 cams(4k miles) - SOLD TO dravesef
-STR 70mm(no sensors) - SOLD
-Buddyclub cam gears(60 miles and a few dyno runs) - SOLD TO dravesef
-Toda timing belt(4k miles) - SOLD TO dravesef
-Supertech valvesprings/ti retainers(4k miles) - SOLD TO dravesef
-Vtec engine harness - SOLD TO Bseriescivic5
-Hondata B16/ITR intake manifold gasket - SOLD

ITR VC come with that sweet CK plug cover?! 
hey are u selling the carbon kevlar sparkplug cover?
I was justttt about to page you haha
Negative guys…the kevlar bits are on my GSR motor.
bump for some weird ass prices
i would have made sweet love to that clean engine bay…
I worked hard to get it looking that good lol.
Everything is obo of course.
not bein a dick buttttttttt r u really sellin a USED head gasket lolololololollolololol
Yes…people buy/sell/reuse steel headgaskets quite often.
reallly ? thats suttin i would nevver do lolololololololol
I wouldn’t with an OEM piece…but would be open to reusing a Cometic or Mugen etc.
ARP headstuds added.
good seller. old friend. bumpy
Thanks Seamus. Spead the word…this stuff has to go.
Maybe look around a little more. I’ve seen it.
Negative…it’s on my current set up.
Moving in a month…need the extra cash and to have less stuff.
New pics. I disassembled the block today. I’m out of penut butter.
PM me price on block and crank dood.