blue balls.

for those of u who dont know, there is a gene called Myostatin which every one of us have. some have less, others have more. people like duke boi would have more being he is so small and people like richie would have less being he is so big. myostatin is the gene that decides how much muscle one can produce. having more is a bad thing is u want to be big and muscular.

my point is these bulls have been bread over time to have the least amount as possible. this is the result.

and yes Travis, i know gene dopeing is just over the horizon and im sure will be on the black market some day within the next 20 years. but its not all bad because it could cure/air a lot of illnesses like aids, muscular distrophy etc etc. even cancer.

cant see but thanks for the red x

I was waiting for that cow to rage the fuck out and fist pump until its hoof fell off.

yup saw this a few yrs back on a documentay called bigger stronger faster, fuckn nutz!

did u watch that at my house? o wait that was sean and adam. haha thats the night we fed adam the weed cookies and he didnt know it. hahaha

lol i met you guys dt shen that night tho lolol

Yeah thanks for that spic lol