Saw them in Vegas. Cool show.
I got invited to go with the hottest guy on NYSpeed, but couldnt make it
you son of a…
i liked the show, it was cool, but when i sw them in chicago they were much better. i think it is a better show when there is a more intimate arena. watching facial expressions on a large monitor is not as good as seeing them from 60 ft away…or even closer.
during one of the quiet moments someone yelled “go sabres” and the place errupted with noise and enthusiasm for the cty they love and the sports team that represents them. it was a proud moment.
LAFENGAS chickened out of doing it and left what could have been possibly the greatest moment in his/this city’s life behind him in regret.
Intresting…I liked the opening act better…
Next upcoming concert billy joel yay!
I was there in row 20 on the floor with my wife. Mike relm was pretty freaking cool. I agree with Audios, I saw them in Boston in 2000 at the Charles Playhouse, much more intimate so it was a little better. I did notice that much of the show was the same as it was 7 years ago, but it was cool never the less. I would pay the $200 for tickets again if I ever get the chance.
The thing that sucked is I was stuck behind two tall people and annoying kids behind me that had to read everything aloud and scream directly in my ear.
Next upcoming concert billy joel yay!
the Office Space spin was awesome. Boy knows how to move his hands
Great show