BMW guys are at it again.

if the car is dipped and copper plated the guy who owns the car/owns/lives in the house its infront of, he apparently has:

A: well off parents
B: a good paying job
C: a wife with a good paying job
D: lives at home with well off parents, and also has a good paying job himself.

did u expect anything else ? :lol

euro rust is fresh

pritty cool …but id like it better w/o the shit on it

I may have to further look into in how exactly he did it.

It would be an interesting shoot if he met up with the certain E28…

Read through the thread

I think it’s been mentioned, but patina is a term describing oxidation of a given metal. Webster’s defines it as “a usually green film formed naturally on copper and bronze by long exposure or artificially (as by acids) and often valued aesthetically for its color.” But nowadays the HoodRide kids use the term for the combination of worn paint and naturally occurring rust.

Euro bumps are kind of pricey, from what I’ve seen anyways, and I’m not sure how into them I am. I won’t lie though, if I could find a set cheap, I’d probably pick them up. So if anyone has a line on some, let me know.

The finish is actually a paint with finely ground copper in it. When I finished, it looked a lot like a satin-finish version of the coppery-orange color you can get on a lot of newer cars… leaving it that way would have looked a little halfass, but then again that wasn’t ever an option in my mind. I didn’t buy a commercial patina creating solution because I’ve done some work with copper before and knew that I could get close with a homebrew solution. Pretty neat too, when it hits the surface, it becomes shiny like a new penny(not for long though). I’m still getting a handle on how this stuff weathers. On its own, it won’t go green for a long, long time, but what has gone green does wash away bit by bit, and that bright orangey color has dimmed substantially in the last week. It’s moving towards a true copper brown. This weekend I’m redoing the roof, getting it as thick as possible… then I’ll patina it, and once I get the deep blues and greens I want, I’ll clear it some.

Pretty sure he just peed on it