My latest work. New Paint job and body fabrication on the BMW*pics*

Okay, so i didn’t really have enough time to line up the panels. A bit rushed on the paint job itself. And to be quite honest…I didn’t have enough time to keep it tasteful, but it’s done and I think it looks pretty good. :tup:

(BTW, that was a honda)


didnt know u were from the south…2 ill 4 YALL





I’m hoping you didnt do that… really, really hoping


Wow that is terrible. German Rice.

he deserve to DIE!

That poor front clip. ive never seen headlights cry till now.


wow. that is pretty dope.

The fact that it came out that “good” is kinda impressive

but ugh…

thats interesting

i know what im doing over winter :tup:

Show him up! Make your bimmer look like a Honduh!


I’m sure they put a fair bit of work into it, but christ, a few more hours would not have hurt that much.

They did something similar on pimp my ride, tried turned a escort into a bimmer

I’ve seen better paint jobs on washing machines.