BMW - Iforged wheels

i seriously just lost a WHOLE bunch of respect for you…

that’s nice… my point is simply that there are sometimes compromises for more performance / better looks / etc… some people need to suck it up and deal with them or go back to stock.

there should NEVER have to be a compromise for better looks on wheels when every set of wheels out there doesnt shake in the rain BUT the i forged/similar 3 piece wheels… but whatever, you probably cant hear me up on your pedastool…

wait, so a compromise for “nice” looking wheels is shitty build, Aaron this is seriously one of the dumbest thing I have ever heard spew out of your mouth, and yes there are some tracks that iForged are not allowed at. wow that was just retarded.

This smiley rocks.


I’m just looking at the bigger picture and thinking for the few rare times I’m in rain that’s bad enough to cause a minor vibration I’d just deal with it. I haven’t experience this firsthand so maybe it does take almost no rain and it is bone shaking

but somehow I doubt that.

I have experienced it first hand

it is bone shaking, especially on the smaller width wheels… its almost exactly like having ice packed around the inside of a rim after parking lot drifting…

its not something you can just “DEAL WITH” your going to have to pull over and wait it out its THAT bad and

well if it really is that bad then I’m with you… I just couldn’t picture it really being as bad as you claim.

how hard was the rain in these cases? we talking full out thunder storm?

it depends on how fast you are going… a normal rain can get the wheels soaked in slow driving whcih woudl stay when you merge onto the thruway… thunderstorms really nail ya when you are going faster and there is water being sprayed from other cars that gets in the barrel…

I was picturing a downpour needed and then just a vibration like when you lose your wheel weights.

fair enough if it’s that horrible… I’d probably sell the wheels unless I had a second car.

Sorry you just came off the wrong way to me in the post above…

It is like having ice packed in your wheels. In my car it was very bone shaking, worse then any snow packed wheel I have ever had. The shake was so bad it came through my arms like I was shooting a machine gun.

I was made aware of the problem prior to buying my wheels. I spoke to Vince from i forge (the owner). He kept saying he will stand behind the wheels and that they solved the problem with the shaking and if I had a problem I could call him dirrect. Sure as shit, I get the wheels and have to wait a few months for the snow to leave. I put the wheels on and ran them for a few days until we got hit with rain. My car started to shake so bad a the thruway, I had to pull over. The faster I would go the more violent that car would shake.

When I called Vince about my problem, that he stated was fixed. He wanted nothing to do with me. I was told point blank by him “are customers don’t drive their cars in the rain”. This point I’ve had it and told him he better do something because he said he would stand behind the wheels. He offerd to sell me for $15.00 each these little things that I could mount on my valve stems to help sweep the water out. I said I just spent well over 3G’s on wheels and now you want to charge me more for your flawed desighn in wheels? Not only was I going to have to pay $60 plus the shipping for that joke of a fix, I was also going to have to pay to have my tires taken off and remounted to put his “little sweeper” on. I said the hell with it and I would sell them and spread the word on the Audi Forums on my dealings with his POS wheels…

This man speaks the truth, and yes iforge wheels are not allowed on some tracks…

You guys just enter turns too slow. The heat from your brakes should be boiling that water off. :stuck_out_tongue:

see, that smiley does rock

no track ever banned any wheel as far as I have found :smiley: I do believe the PCA banned them from club racing or something like that.

Couldn’t agree more with the 2nd part of your statement. Best laxitive I’ve ever used. I was rugular for the next month after that happened to me on the 90 outside of Syracuse durring a mid summer’s MONSOON!

However, about it being more pronounced on the smaller wheels isn’t true. I’m running 19x10’s and I can’t see the shaking being any worse that what I experience over 40mph.

I had to crawl to an exit and find a gas station and buy a roll of paper towels to soak up the pool that was in each barrell…especially the fronts as the dish on the fronts are half of what they are in the rear resulting in a larger channel for water to build in the fronts.

Pretty fucking annoying:tdown: