BMW the Luxury King

I’d rock a BMW over a Benz.

You already did.

I’d like to differ here. One of the best interiors that I have ever seen is that of the second generation Chrysler Lebaron. Chrysler has always proven their expertise in making the finest quality automobile interiors. Lately this has slumped a little compared to their older gems. For those who haven’t experienced them, allow me to show a picture or two, and tell you why I like them so much.

From a distance, one can see the classic late 20th century American styling. Sharp curves and concealed headlights let everyone know you’ve moved up - and that Germany means nothing to you. All for less MSRP!

Now walking towards the Lebaron (or the Leb as I called my '91), you are astounded by the plush leather seats and fine touches, like that sharply angled glass and craftily hidden seatbelt slot.

Finally, you open the door and prepare to climb in. This is where the magic happens - where Chrysler shows their best, and the Germans cower in inferiority. The advanced sound system, the easy to grasp shifter, and the on dash control buttons all complete this high-tech luxury Autobahn cruiser.

Chrysler has been holding this seat for a long time now, and will never let it go to BMW, Audie, or Mercedes Benz. Even the Volkswagen Phaeton can’t match (well, maybe when compared to an '01 300M).

Hope to see more of the 5 point star than the 3 point loser on the road soon! :slight_smile:


Pat, you’re such a dork.

that was his point, you can’t say one car is better than another based on sales numbers.

Thank you