Report: GM may buy BMW engines

Automotive News Europe
February 28, 2008 09:00 CET

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – BMW, the world’s largest premium carmaker, is in negotiations to sell to rivals General Motors and Fiat its own engines and transmissions, the Financial Times Deutschland reported.
Citing sources at the companies, the German business daily is set to write in its today’s edition that the talks are being held, although BMW is also seeking to deepen ties to Daimler’s
Mercedes-Benz, since a partnership in the compact segment is proving very difficult to achieve.
The sale of powertrain elements would boost revenue and reduce spending by spreading out development and production costs over a higher number of engines and transmissions.
The paper quoted the companies as declining to comment.

Well BMW uses GM transmissions in their automatics, this doesn’t really surprise me.

Good. Maybe this will help GM build some more credibility.

wont change anything Gm cars have been ugly foer alot of years.
thats why they dont sell.

GM and BMW are in the joint venture for the V8 hybrid as well (X6 will have the engine as an option)

you really do suck at life, that is all

I kind of agree with him. Its getting better but many still are ugly.


Wow, that’s one of the stoopidest things i have ever read on here… and that is saying a lot.

I dunno guys… call me bold for stepping in on this but I think GM cars are far from stylish too in some respects but I dont think thats why they arent selling… Im a BMW guy though so I dunno

Well I say GM’s aren’t selling because… Oh wait, they are selling. 9.4 million cars last year.


BMW sold 1.3 million cars in 2007.

edited, for accuracy.



My first thought…why? My second thought…I have no aspirations for a GM vehicle anytime soon so I don’t care. (Ok maybe I’d buy a G8)

just a quick guess, but how about less labor overhead?

Retarded comparison. Think product lines at the very least. GM is “main street”, BMW is “high street” niche market.

A more valid comparison would be with Toyota.

GM cars are ugly. Pontiak Aztec anyone???

Hope no body is eating breakfast…

Not really retarded at all. If you want to use all of the different car divisions of GM to pick out which cars are “ugly” then you should be able to use all divisions when comparing sales.

Not to compare volume of sales. It’s like comparing Walmart to Hugo Boss for clothing sales

